Category: Health Fitness

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Foolproof weight loss!

When it comes to losing weight, we can pull out a page of excuses longer than our weekend to-do list, for example, “The time is not right for me to change my lifestyle” or “The time is not right to deal with my weight and my diet. clothes” for this or that reason. Intellectually, we […]

Health Fitness admin 

How to eat and prepare for the 4 seasons in TCM

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) considers that eating locally and according to seasonal influence is not something new or trendy, but rather essential for good health. Essentially, when in doubt, try to eat whatever is plentiful and locally grown because this is essentially what nature intended for your body at the time. Also, in general, try […]

Health Fitness admin 

your posture matters

As a practicing chiropractor for 35 years, I have seen how important good posture is to our health. We all know that poor posture can cause neck and lower back pain. But did you know that poor posture is linked to high blood pressure and even a shorter life? This article will discuss bad posture […]

Health Fitness admin 

How to start the day with good healthy habits

An integral part of human behavior is that, knowingly or not, we operate our system out of habit. These habits are an intrinsic part of our daily existence. So when you make a conscious effort to start your day with healthy habits, you are actually in a process of making our lives more meaningful, nourishing, […]

Health Fitness admin 

The cost of a healthy diet

As a personal trainer, I have come across many people who come up with countless excuses as to why they have not, or in their opinion, cannot be successful in terms of living a healthy lifestyle. Not enough time to exercise, not enough money to pay for a gym pass, not enough energy to be […]

Health Fitness admin 

Alicia Silverstone’s kind diet

The person who initially inspired my switch to a vegan diet was Alicia Silverstone and her book, The Kind Diet. What drew me most to her book was Silverstone’s obvious exuberance and enthusiasm for the vegan lifestyle. She writes with humor, honesty, and passion. She leaves science to scientists, nutrition to nutritionists, and medicine to […]