Category: Health Fitness

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Eat Natural Series – Kale Kicks Inflammation

Let’s take a look at kale and explore this nutritional plant powerhouse. Kale offers a variety of protective benefits, from anti-inflammatory properties, which are very important in controlling blood sugar, to cancer-fighting properties. The beneficial compounds found in kale have powerful medicinal properties; making this member of the cabbage family one of the healthiest and […]

Health Fitness admin 

How much weight should you gain during pregnancy?

Typically, women obsess over their size, regardless of the health ramifications, and when they become pregnant, these attitudes persist. Society in general is afraid of fat, even during pregnancy. But healthy weight gain plays a huge role in a healthy pregnancy. By no means cut back on food as it deprives you of good nutrition […]

Health Fitness admin 

Diferite tipuri de geluri și creme antiinflamatorii topice

de geluri și creme antiinflamatorii topice Gelurile și cremele antiinflamatoare topice sunt un tratament popular pentru durere și inflamație. Sunt disponibile fără prescripție medicală și pot fi folosite pentru a trata afecțiuni dureroase precum artrita, reumatismul sau leziunile sportive. geluri si creme antiinflamatorii Utilizarea unui gel sau cremă antiinflamatoare este adesea o alternativă bună la […]

Health Fitness admin 

What can I do to lose my belly fat?

If you want to avoid the health problems caused by abdominal fat and enjoy a more attractive and slender figure, the following tips to combat it will help you start the fight against the extra kilos accumulated in the waist. What kind of exercise works to lose belly fat? Everyone knows the importance of exercise. […]