Month: 12 months ago

Business admin 

5 steps to an eBay store

eBay has been one of the few Internet businesses that has grown exponentially over the years. It doesn’t matter if the brand is an already well established brand or a new entrepreneur, all of which help eBay to attract more customers to your company. One of the reasons eBay is growing so fast is that […]

Real Estate admin 

Joint ownership as a poor man’s testament

Joint ownership is probably the least understood area of ​​estate planning today. Joint tenancy with rights of survivorship means that each joint owner has a full and undivided interest in the property. Neither party can sell the property without the consent of the other. Upon the death of one of the parties, all property passes […]

Shopping Product Reviews admin 

iPhone app market success

Apple launched its App Store on July 11, 2008. Over the first weekend, users had downloaded ten million iPhone apps. Additionally, the Wall Street Journal reported on August 11, 2008, a month after the launch of the iPhone App Store, that Apple had been earning around $1 million per day from the site. Apple CEO […]