Category: Health Fitness

Health Fitness admin 

7 healthy foods for you

Eat healthy and delicious food so your body can get enough protein. Add low-fat foods to your diet if you want to have a perfect body. If you are a lazy person, an oven can be your best friend. This is probably the best way to cook meat, vegetables, and fruits in an oven. I […]

Health Fitness admin 

8 ways to burn belly fat without exercise

Looking to burn belly fat without exercising? Or, if you’re like me, looking for additional ways to burn belly fat beyond traditional exercise. Here are some great ways to boost your metabolism without getting on an exercise machine, lifting a dumbbell, or doing crunches. 1) walk Walking has been widely documented as the best thing […]

Health Fitness admin 

Kettlebell Exercises: A Weight Loss Workout

The kettlebell is an essential piece of training equipment. It’s a cannonball with a handle, plain and simple. There are a variety of weights and sizes to choose from, and there are even some “gummed” colored kettlebell lines due to the growing popularity of kettlebell workouts in Southern California. But what are kettlebell exercises for? […]

Health Fitness admin 

Return banking program

For those of you unfamiliar with my name, I am a national level Strongman competitor in the United States. I lift stones weighing just under 400 pounds, routinely move a 900-plus-pound tire, and lift logs above my head. I eat normal food and drink a protein powder, that’s it. My strength comes from my training, […]