Category: Health Fitness

Health Fitness admin 

In-season strength training for soccer

Over the course of a soccer season, players will experience a decrease in strength and power without continued strength training. This will obviously affect performance on the field, so continuation of the strength program throughout the season is crucial for success. Ten years ago, weightlifting programs during the season were mostly non-existent at the high […]

Health Fitness admin 

Cardio Zone elliptical trainers

CardioZone manufactures a series of similar elliptical trainers, falling into the Lower price range than Nautilus or Octane brands. They have four types of trainers, and each one adapts to different trainings and user needs. The stride matches the users and is almost shock free, which is especially important for people with knee problems. The […]

Health Fitness admin 

How many calories do you burn when you walk?

The calories you burn while walking depend on two factors: your weight and the distance you walk. Ideal for people of all ages, walking is kinder to your joints and most people can comfortably walk for a longer period of time than if they were going for a run. Remember also, the heavier you are, […]