Category: Health Fitness

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Too Much Fish Oil: How Much Is Too Much?

Fish oil is proven to lower your risk of heart attack, help you focus, and is great for your skin. But too much fish oil can be a problem. It is a blood thinner. So if you are taking blood thinning medications it can affect you. Fish oil is also not recommended for people with […]

Health Fitness admin 

Improve Your Life With Foundations in Meditation Certification

Meditation Certification Foundations in Meditation Certification is a training program that purports to train Jack Kornfield for a new way of practicing mindfulness meditation. Jack Kornfield is a popular personality from the television show “Finding Nemo”, and also has worked with dolphins and even spent some time in the Amazon rainforest. While this may sound […]

Health Fitness admin 

Easy Tips for Building Muscle in Women

Building muscle for women needs more attention than for men. Why? Because women have a harder time building muscle than men. If you are a woman and want to build muscle, you should pay more attention to your diet and exercise to build muscle. Unlike men, women go through changes in their bodies during pregnancy […]