Category: Health Fitness

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The glycemic index and alcohol

Did you ask why alcoholic beverages do not have a glycemic index? Aren’t alcoholic beverages created from carbohydrate-rich ingredients? Actually, most alcoholic beverages, such as hard liquor, wine, and beer, contain few or no carbohydrates. It is not interesting? I will point out that the glycemic index has chosen an arbitrary number of 100 with […]

Health Fitness admin 

Biltong and its many health benefits

Are you a meat lover? If so, you should definitely try biltong. This special type of all-meat product originated in southern Africa and after some time invaded the European, American and Australian markets as well. It is often compared to beef jerky only that it differs in ingredients and preparations. Many people buy biltong because […]

Health Fitness admin 

Why diabetics should eat a lot of shrimp?

Shrimp is one of the best food choices a diabetic can make. Here are some of the main reasons: Shrimp have LOTS of Omega-3s (omega-3 fatty acids) and this is extremely important for diabetics Diabetics have damaged cell membranes. They are “insulin resistant,” meaning they don’t normally respond to insulin when it tells the cell […]

Health Fitness admin 

What is the best cardio to lose weight?

Another very important aspect of a healthy weight loss plan is regular physical activity and exercise. The exercises provided the added stimulation to burn excellent calories, build lean muscle, and tone the body, all of which healthy food simply can’t do. The first hurdle most people face when trying to lose weight is the age […]

Health Fitness admin 

Exercises to Lose Body Fat

Body fat tends to accumulate around the midsection, especially on me. Getting rid of it is much more difficult than gaining it, as most people know. There is no quick fix, magic pill or magic potion that will allow you to lose weight. The only thing that really works, other than liposuction surgery, is exercises […]

Health Fitness admin 

Home tips to lose weight

Excess weight is risky for health. Weight loss is a very difficult task for many. It is possible to lose weight very effectively by adopting some home methods. You can also try it. However, by avoiding anxiety, you can reduce excess weight by natural means. 1. Many people eat extra raw salt while eating. But […]