Category: Arts Entertainments

Arts Entertainments admin 

How to choose a Sydney photographer

There are quite a few Sydney photographers to choose from. Therefore, finding the right Sydney photographer for the job can be a daunting task. When you want to hire a photographer, you must first decide the purpose for which you need a photographer. Do you want them to photograph a wedding? Do you want them […]

Arts Entertainments admin 

Marlene Dietrich, Chimera

My initial interest in Marlene Dietrich stems from a lifelong study of World War II. The documentaries describe her heroism and her exploits as she entertained the Allied troops in the European campaign. That she was a German invariably depicted ‘leading her troops’ intrigued even more. I put her bio on my Christmas wish list […]

Arts Entertainments admin 

The 5 Ws of photography

Outlining your photographic needs is a task to be taken seriously. It would be great if you could do this before you buy your first camera, but most people can’t. You’ll probably buy a camera or two before you begin to fully understand what your photographic profile is. There are five aspects of your personality […]