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What Can You Learn From Your Competitors’ Copy?

While you shouldn’t steal your competitors’ copy, it’s important to read it as often as possible. Sign up for their email lists, follow them on social media, and get reminders about new blog posts.

Also follow your competitors when they publish a guest article or blog post or conduct an interview. Why? You may learn something important that you can use to make your own copy work better.

Identify gaps in content marketing

When you visit your competitors’ websites, how do you feel about reading the copy? Are you confused by navigation or does it get you right where you want to go? What do you like about website copy and what don’t you like? Take notes so you can find deficiencies on your own website that can be fixed.

Determine effective content types

By looking at the amount of engagement in any article or blog post, you can see first-hand what type of content works best for your audience. Since you share an audience, you can be reasonably sure that this method will work. On your blog, look at which types of blog posts get the most likes, shares, and comments. If you can identify popular topics and types of content, use them in your own work.

Pushes you to do more

When you see how your competition is motivating, attracting and attracting customers directly below you, it will make you do more. You will produce more content, post more on social media, create more products, develop more services, and simply do more. Because when you see someone else doing it, you know you can do better.

Teach you what not to do

When you read a copy that is poorly written or does not reach its potential, you may realize that it is wrong. When you realize that your competitor has made a mistake, you can avoid those mistakes.

Teach you what to do

Sometimes your competitor will do something right. That’s great, for you too. When you see your competition delivering effective copy to clients, you will see what can be accomplished. Remember that competition is never bad. Have you ever noticed that gas stations and coffee shops tend to open in pairs? There’s a reason.If there’s a profitable coffee shop or business down the street and you open one that’s a little better or different across the street, you’ll be successful too.

Help you find new resources

As you read your competitors copy, you will be introduced to new resources that will help you in your business. You may find resources that are great, and you may find a few to avoid.

Learn new keywords

One really useful aspect of your competitors’ copy is the keywords they choose to use. They may use some keywords that you didn’t think of before. You don’t have to copy your content to use the keywords in your copy.

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