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Lucid dream

A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. During lucid dreaming, the dreamer can exercise some degree of control over the characters, narrative, and setting of the dream.

The term “lucid dreaming” was coined by the Dutch author and psychiatrist Frederik van Eeden in his 1913 article A Study of Dreams, although descriptions of dreamers being aware that they are dreaming predate the term.

Lucid dreaming is indeed being aware that you are dreaming while in a dream. Knowing a way to deliberately lucid dream is a personal empowerment tool. It can help you solve private problems due to the fact that you are able to consciously take an active role in your dreams. It can be more than a lot of laughter!

Lucid dreaming is a difficult work of art to understand, but there are steps you can take that will help you reap the realm.

As you fall asleep, use the notion: while I am dreaming tonight, I will realize that I am dreaming (use your personal phrases).

It’s important to do this while you’re falling asleep, but you can also do it at any time during the day. Every once in a while while making this suggestion, you may actually have a memory of a previous dream come to mind! Your mindset should be one of advantageous expectation, even if it is gently tempting rather than insisting or applying any kind of pressure or tension.

Below are paintings on how to remember your wishes after waking up. By using thoughts to remember your goals, you are developing a more deliberate knowing connection between conscious and unconscious thoughts. In fact, you may already have lucid goals, but you can’t remember them!

The last step is to try to stay in the realm of twilight sleep as much as possible upon awakening. You will often have a dream just before you wake up in the morning, so if you are still alive and keep your eyes closed, you will be able to re-enter the dream, but with increased awareness creating a kind of lucid dream. as the stability between the states of sleepiness and wakefulness.

A common problem that some people with lucid dreaming face is that they wake up as soon as they realize they are dreaming. This is because the work of creating conscious peaks at the same time as deeply asleep reasons, conscious thoughts are pushed up from their slumber, thus waking up the weakened country.

This could be overcome with exercise, but there may be a way that can help. Before falling asleep, plan what you can do for your lucid goals. This removes an element of conscious choice at some point in your dreams, which can also help you live within the dream country.

Paul Tholey, a German onirologist and Gestalt theorist, laid the epistemological foundations for lucid dreaming research, proposing seven different clarity conditions that a dream must meet to be defined as a lucid dream.

Awareness of the dream state (orientation)

Awareness of the ability to make decisions.

Awareness of memory functions.

self awareness

Awareness of the dream environment.

Awareness of the meaning of sleep.

Awareness of concentration and focus (the subjective clarity of that state).

Later, in 1992, a study by Deirdre Barrett examined whether lucid dreaming contained four “corollaries” of lucidity:

The dreamer is aware that he is dreaming.

Items disappear after waking up

Physical laws need not apply in sleep.

The dreamer has a clear memory of the waking world.

Barrett found less than a quarter of the lucidity beads that the four exhibited.

Subsequently, Stephen LaBerge, a psychophysiologist at Stanford University, studied the prevalence of being able to control the dream scenario among lucid dreams and found that while dream control and dream awareness are correlated, neither requires the other. LaBerge found dreams that clearly display one without the capacity for the other; Also, in some dreams where the dreamer is lucid and aware that he could exercise control, he simply chooses to observe.

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