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How to Live Forever – Life Extension

When we speak of prolonging life we ​​do not mean keeping people alive through artificial means, we actually mean prolonging the normal and natural life of man.


Life is a multifaceted concept. Life can refer to the ongoing process from which living things are separate; the period between birth (or a point at which the entity can be considered to be alive) and death of an organism; the condition of an entity that has been born (or has reached the point in its existence where it can be established that it is alive) and has yet to die; and what gives life to a living being.


The term Life Extension is now used primarily to promote and sell vitamins, and in fact vitamins or minerals seem to play an important role in extending life and making money for vitamin manufacturers.

Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw laid the foundation for Life Extension by practicing on their own bodies by taking controversial supplements or massive doses of supplements and documenting the results within their own bodies. His research led to anti-aging breakthroughs that have been both exciting and significant.

Most popular life extension products:


CoQ10 is a nutrient found in every cell in the body. CoQ10, also spelled CoQ 10, is found in foods, particularly fish and meat.

In addition to playing an important role in the energy system of each of our cells, CoQ10 is also believed to have antioxidant properties. Many people who take CoQ10 find that this nutrient increases physical energy.


Melatonin is released from the pineal gland and helps keep tissues in a state of youthful health.
Melatonin keeps our circadian cycle in tune as it communicates with the cells of the body.

This hormone not only works to maintain cell health, but appears to regulate a self-repairing and regenerating system.

Melatonin appears to work to help improve sleep. Melatonin appears to increase the speed of falling asleep and appears to increase the quality of sleep in about 60% of people who use it.

The latest studies also suggest that a lack of melatonin in the body can promote breast cancer.

In a major breakthrough, researchers have linked exposure to light at night with the growth of breast cancer tumors. The tumors grew because the artificial light interfered with the women’s ability to create melatonin, the hormone that regulates the body’s day and night rhythms.


DHEA is a steroid hormone, a chemical relationship of testosterone and estrogen. It is made from cholesterol by the adrenal glands, which sit on top of each kidney.

Animal studies have shown that DHEA can prevent or delay the onset of cancer, “hardening” of the arteries, deadly viral infections, decreased immunity, obesity, and diabetes.

Second generation life extension

Life in the future

There are visionaries today considering the amazing benefits for human health and longevity promised by the cutting edge of medical science, and what YOU can do today to make the most of these early advances.

Some of these visionaries plan to live forever.
No, not just in the history books, but as living, breathing, healthy human beings.

His idea is that if you manage to keep your body in good shape for the next 20 years, nanotechnology and bioscience will be so advanced that you will be able to replace or regenerate parts of your body so that they never wear out.

These are the actual ideas developed by some visionaries for eternal life:

Step one:

Aggressively slow the aging process by eating the right foods, taking vitamins, and exercising; in fact, trying to survive the next 20 years, by which time biotech and nanotech will have become so advanced that we’ll be able to replace diseased body parts at will. .

Second step:

Relying on biotechnology, such as stem cell research, the ability to modify our genetic and protein codes, which in turn will slow down or even reverse aging.
We have mapped the human genome.
With this information we can now figure out the specific functions of our genes.
Eventually we will be able to change the genes themselves.
We are already capable of regenerating teeth and soon we will be able to regenerate cells, tissues and organs and introduce them into our body without rejection.

Step three: the use of Molecular Nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology will allow us to rebuild, molecule by molecule, our entire body.
People are already working on “smart cells.”
These cells will actually function as computers that can detect and destroy cancer cells and regenerate diseased cells.

So just make sure you survive the next 20 years.

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