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Empowering your creativity with movement and intention

You can learn how to increase your creativity through movement, how to use dance with intent to achieve your creative goals, and enjoy the empowering benefits of bringing movement back into your life. These are simple and easy steps for a more creative journey.

There is an enormous amount of gridlock that has been created over the past century due to technology. We sit in front of a computer playing games on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or YouTube watching videos, and we’re not even talking about the hours we spend in front of the television.

Your body is not the only thing that stagnates, it is also your mind. Bringing movement back into your life will not only be healthier for your body, but it will also do wonders for your creative spirit.

Benefits of Movement Augments:

  • Traffic
  • Health
  • productivity
  • Clarity
  • passion for life
  • Creativity

Dancing with intention is a fun and therapeutic way to bring movement back into your life and increase your creativity.

Examples of setting an intent:

  1. Shaking off all the negativity that is stored in your body and then bringing health and abundance.
  2. Awaken your creativity and bring opportunities to create into your life.
  3. Be open to what you need to see at this time in your life to move forward.
  4. Any goal you want to achieve.

It is best to choose between three pieces of music that combined are about fifteen minutes long to many pieces that are about an hour long. When choosing your music, you should think about what you want to achieve or your intention for your dance. That will determine if there’s a theme to the songs or just a lot of earthy music like James Asher’s “Feet in the Soil.”

In most cases, you want to start with a medium-tempo song, not too fast and not too slow. The next piece, or pieces, should be fast-paced music, and then move to slower music as you finish your dance. At first, if you’re not used to doing a lot of movement, you may want to start with just two or three songs. You can also set slow meditative music to play when you finish dancing.

While dancing, the most important part is the movement. Move as little or as much as you feel comfortable. Think of your intention as you begin to move, but allow your thoughts to subside and be open to receiving any messages that may come through. You may want to shake off any negative or stuck places in your body that you feel at the beginning of the dance. Then you can consciously choose to dance in those things that you want to come into your life.

Just do as much movement as you can. Never push yourself to the point of pain.

When the music ends, stay in a slightly meditative state after dancing, sit down and write in a journal any thoughts or visions that have occurred to you. If you didn’t notice any messages, you can ask questions, in your journal, that can lead to ideas that are helpful to your goals.

To create a mandala for your dance journey, you will need:

  • Large piece of paper with a large circle drawn on it
  • pencils
  • markers
  • colored pens
  • Colored pencils
  • Any other drawing materials you wish to use to create your mandala.

Drawing a mandala, after dancing with intention, can help you get more information. Staying in a slightly meditative state of the dance, draw and color any shapes, lines, and symbols that come to mind. It is best not to censor your drawing. Whatever images are shown, draw them inside and/or outside the circle. You don’t have to be an artist to create a personal mandala.

Have fun discovering how your creativity can flourish through setting your intention, movement, and dance.

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