Category: Technology

Technology admin 

Guide on how to talk to girls

So you want to learn how to talk to girls? What makes you think it’s different from talking to your mother? See, this is the biggest problem with most guys. They think that talking to girls should be done in a “special” or “seductive” way. This is wrong, wrong, wrong! This article tells you why… […]

Technology admin 

3 step hurdle exercise

A staple of any 100/110 hurdle training program is the 3-step hurdle drill. This training can be done at any time of the year. All you need to do is make a few adjustments to suit the part of the macrocycle you are in. The main idea of ​​this drill is to place 3-5 hurdles […]

Technology admin 

The Calgary Stampede and Expo

The Calgary Stampede and Exhibition is rich in tradition and is also known for the cowboy atmosphere that takes over the city, everyone breaks out their cowboy boots and Stetson hats for 10-11 days of good fun. This year (2006) begins with the Calgary Stampede Parade on July 7. Dedicated volunteers and supporters from the […]

Technology admin 

Advantage of using a mosquito net

Using a mosquito net is one of the most common strategies people use to keep those nasty mosquitoes away. It will be safe to say that most people are bothered by mosquitoes. There have been many cases where your night is ruined by the loud buzzing of mosquitoes or worse, you end up scratching all […]