Category: Technology

Technology admin 

Real Estate Investment Outlook and Prospects 2010

What’s next for real estate? For most people, real estate remains a critical part of personal net worth. Despite the stock market rally, the average American family net worth is down 25% due to declines in real estate values ​​and investment assets. Market Trends Overview: Focus on Boston While it continues to suffer due to […]

Technology admin 

4 Main Types of Mobile VoIP Dialers

Before moving on to the main topic, let’s first understand what exactly is a mobile dialer, SIP dialer or mobile VoIP dialer. Well, these are all different names for an app that can be installed and used on your smart device. This application is used on smart devices to make VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) […]

Technology admin 

Fun Daytime Date Ideas

Need some fun date ideas? You have come to the right place. Many of the fun date ideas listed below are not recommended for a first date unless you know the person very well or have known them for a long time. But if you’ve been on a few dates and really want to impress, […]

Technology admin 

Perfect anonymity: is it possible to achieve it?

Different needs and different threat models lead to misunderstandings between people. Let’s say you want to leave the most anonymous comment possible on a social network. What do you need for it? VPN? Hill? An SSH tunnel? Well, it is enough to buy any SIM card and a used phone in the nearest store, then […]