Category: Real Estate

Real Estate admin 

CPA, ABA, CFP – Which Credentials Matter?

When choosing a professional to help you file your income taxes, whether you are an individual or have a small business, choosing the tax accountant with the right credentials is key. Flipping through the phone book or browsing through business listings online, you’re likely to come across a veritable alphabet soup of acronyms like CPA, […]

Real Estate admin 

Benefits of a credit card

All banks are people friendly and have a variety of credit cards to help people in case of emergencies or unexpected situations. You can select any card that’s right for your lifestyle, and their customer-friendly executives are always on hand for help. All cards have cash back schemes, reward points and offers at any time […]

Real Estate admin 

Simple keys to win at Lío Bank REO

In the tumultuous housing market that has dominated the past few years, there are losers and there are winners. Those who have lost their homes to foreclosure know all too well what economic conditions have precipitated the housing crisis, including rising interest rates and payments, falling home values ​​and loss of income, and sometimes , […]