Category: Lifestyle Fashion

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

Clean your makeup mixers and makeup brushes

Makeup brushes and makeup mixers can be breeding grounds for bacteria, especially if they are not cleaned regularly or stored properly, or worse, not shared with a friend. Think about it: even if you don’t have oily skin, the buildup of products and germs can contaminate your brushes, and if you don’t clean them, it […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

Endometriosis and vitamin K

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis that grows elsewhere than the endometrium also reacts to the hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by accumulating tissue, breaking it down, and shedding it during the menstrual period. As we know, nutritional supplements play a very important role in treating all kinds of diseases. In this […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

Acne: Make War Against Buttons!

Acne in adolescence is known to 80% of young people between the ages of 11 and 20. However, why do they suffer without action even though there are some solutions? What could be more common than teenage pimples? In point: the hormonal changes of puberty strongly stimulate the secretion of sebum. This overproduction of clogged […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

Colon cleansing can help control cravings

If you really want to control your cravings for foods that you shouldn’t be eating, you may want to try a colon cleanse. This way of getting rid of toxins, and therefore cravings, is a bit controversial and definitely has some drawbacks. But many people trust them and use them to powerfully renew their health […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

How to lose weight fast

Have you ever wondered how to lose weight fast? Do you want to lose weight fast, most people do? We live in an age of speed, a time when everyone wants fast results. Regardless of the fact that the excess weight that a person is carrying took time to accumulate, they often want to get […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

Life-threatening yeast infections

Yeast infections aren’t just annoying; they can be really serious. Did you know that candida can produce more than 75 different toxins and an untreated candida infection can be very dangerous? Research shows a strong connection between candida bacteria and diseases in people. Many people view yeast infections as a female problem that affects only […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

Quick and easy last minute desserts

You first have to understand how I buy food. I love the “buy one get one free” items, you never know when that extra item will come in handy for last minute dishes. I’m on the lookout for sale items as well, although you may not need the item for that week’s meal menu, it’s […]