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Dreams and our subconscious mind

Do you dream

Do. A lot, and almost every night. For me, my dreams are very cherished and I often wake up in the middle of the night just to write some parts of a dream or symbols that come to me in a way that makes me “think” about my dream that is important to me. remember, so I wake up just so I can write some notes that seem important to look up and meditate the next day. I have a notebook by my bed full of my writings that I have done in the dark with my eyes closed, half asleep.

Most of us have had dreams in which we have been flying, and isn’t it just wonderful? I love those dreams! When I have my dreams of flying I feel exhilarated and very powerful, and when I wake up in the morning the feeling continues with an inner knowing that whatever it is I am involved in, if there has been even a slight feeling of doubt or doubt. The fear before, is completely gone now, because flying in our dreams means that we are overcoming any difficulties or doubts that we may have felt in our waking life.

If we know that, and also follow it in our waking life, we become empowered by it, rather than returning to the “reality” that we experienced yesterday. It is a signal from our subconscious mind that we are stronger than we think, and it also gives us an inner feeling of complete peace, a knowledge that Everything really is okay. That everything is as it is supposed to be.

I love the power of our subconscious mind, and what I’ve done for a long time is sometimes when I’m not sure which path to choose, or I feel a bit confused about what to do etc. to my subconscious mind at night, just before falling asleep.

What I do is I ask, or tell (kindly, not in a demanding way), to my subconscious mind to show me pictures of what awaits me and what the right action might be for me, and it never fails!

Either I can see images in my dreams, or they come to me when I’m not trying to figure things out.

What I think is important to know is that our dreams are always there to help us, and that our dreams come from our subconscious mind that knows everything, so the more we learn to consciously direct it, the more it will benefit us. .

Anyway, we are always giving our subconscious mind instructions based on what we choose to feed it, so why not do it with a heightened sense of awareness? You can also ask him to show you what you need to know to move on in life, or ask him for guidance on what you want to know more about.

Tonight when you go to sleep, when you are really relaxed and feel like you are falling into an alpha state (light meditative state of mind), speak slowly and with a strong feeling about what it is you need help with.

Not in a pleading and pleading way, but with absolute certainty that you will receive the answers, and with an inner feeling of gratitude and expectation of an answer. Find some keywords at the end of your conversation with yourself and think about them until you go to sleep.

For instance; If you are not sure what to do here on earth, then you could tell your subconscious mind about it briefly (without dwelling on the “problem” too much) and continue with more focus on updating what it is that you want to feel. and experiment:

  • “I have no idea of ​​my calling or purpose in life, but want namely, and I am open and willing to listen, because I know that you know everything about me and my life, my purpose and my gifts and talents, and how I can be of service to the world. I feel so grateful now that I know that you are revealing my rightful place in life. Because I asked, they give it to me. I know, and I feel so excited inside and anxious now that I know our communication is clear and I can hear my own truth very clearly. I know that everything I need to know to live my life to the fullest and with the greatest possible joy has now been fully revealed to me. I completely trust you and love you. Thank you for helping me and supporting me in your wonderful ways … I know my purpose, I trust, I know why I am here … I am happy, I trust completely … my purpose … confidence … joy … “

This will help you lead the way into the life you came to live here, you will connect with your own inner truth in ways that are sure to surprise and delight you!

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