Category: Health Fitness

Health Fitness admin 

creatine dosage

“How Much Creatine Should I Take?” goes the question And the most common response you’ll get even from the product instructions is usually… “5 g per day is good.” While that usually fits the bill for most people, there is a much better method for determining how much creatine you should take per day for […]

Health Fitness admin 

gym mallet

One of the most unlikely tools in our arsenal of fitness equipment is the mallet. Amazingly, the manual labor tool doubles as a great total-body muscular endurance exercise, a great power builder, a very effective method of weight management, and a way to increase aerobic and anaerobic endurance. In terms of cost, effectiveness, and versatility, […]

Health Fitness admin 

Top 10 Weight Loss Tips

Maintaining a healthy weight is everyone’s dream. With all the junk food out there, we often feel like reaching our ideal weight isn’t entirely possible. You realized that you are getting fat and started looking for weight loss tips online. There is so much information online that it is impossible to digest it all. Try […]

Health Fitness admin 

the long way back

My, my, my… It’s a long way back… In June 2017 I was in a terrible drag race accident near Asheville, NC. Broken right clavicle, 3 broken ribs, and a partially punctured lung with a neurothorax and a hemothorax. I spent two days in the hospital on oxygen. I have spent the last 5 months […]

Health Fitness admin 

Five Steps to Opioid Withdrawal Treatment

Opioid withdrawal treatment requires a personalized approach for each individual. The severity of withdrawal symptoms depends on how long the patient has been addicted, what drugs she used, and other personal details such as age, height, and weight. However, there are some basics that most people go through, and a successful treatment approach should follow […]

Health Fitness admin 

Different Benefits of an Arc Trainer

Found in most gyms and hotels, the arch trainer is a unique cardiovascular exercise machine. It’s actually named after their patented advanced stride technology: the Reverse Arc movement. This unique design does not place the wearer’s toe behind the knee; therefore, it reduces stress on the knee joint. Another great feature that is different from […]

Health Fitness admin 

What are calories?

The word calorie has long been closely associated with diet. Before counting grams of fat, carbohydrates, and protein, dieters count calories. This was and still is the only way to lose weight. So let’s take a look at what exactly a calorie is and how it relates to body weight. As noted in a previous […]