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Blessing of the Americas of Freedom and Hope

Where is your family from and why did they come to the United States?

Have you ever visited the communist countries of China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Laos, or Vietnam?

I have had the honor of traveling to many parts of the world and fell in love with the people from almost all countries. My heart broke for those who were unable to enjoy the freedoms of choice and self-direction that Americans take for granted every day.

What is your job? If you are a full-time doctor, teacher, mechanic, computer scientist or parent; I imagine you take that path for your life because you enjoyed certain aspects of that job and you can be compensated for it.

What if you had no say in the direction of your life and your future was dictated solely by the government?

I cannot think of a quicker way to put out the spark of life in one’s eyes than to completely remove their own free agency from their lives. Unfortunately, that is what happens in communist/socialist countries.

Do you want to move there permanently and give up your American freedoms and opportunities?

Do you want to turn America into another China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Laos, or Vietnam?

Your candidate for President in America must have 2 objectives:

1) Dedication to growing the stability and strength of his country.

2) The candidate must be committed to protecting and defending the rights of its citizens.

Why do people leave a country?

-Fear of safety for themselves and their family in the face of violence.

– Fear of persecution for their beliefs.

– Extraordinary poverty and no opportunity to change it.

– Corruption and government overreach that stifles individual choice and growth and forces conformity.

Are you and your family looking to import where you came from to America?

What are the differences between your country of origin and America?

Your candidate for President in America must have 2 goals?

one) Be dedicated to growing the stability and strength of his country.

2) The candidate must be committed to protecting and defending the rights of its citizens.

Get the facts, think carefully before you act, and vote for the President of the United States on November 3, 2020!

I have enjoyed visiting, teaching and playing my violin and viola all over the world. This includes communist countries. I have always been happy and delighted to be back in the United States and our many blessings and freedoms! It’s a real eye opener to see how lucky we are in America.

We have many opportunities here to start a business, choose the job we would like to do, own property, pray as we choose, protect our rights to free speech, protect ourselves and our home and property, the right to think and share our thoughts with others.

We have good sanitation, plumbing, potable running water, electricity with working toilets that allow you to wash your hands with soap and water to prevent bacteria and disease from spreading throughout entire cities.

After visiting these foreign places, I have always been very grateful for the blessings and freedoms of living and working in the United States.

“In communism, the government owns all property and pays its citizens equally. Citizens own nothing. The government chooses your job and tells you what to do. They belong to you! No free will! “

Communism/Socialism is often seen in academic and media circles as “everything is free because it’s a right.” There is no freedom when you depend on the government to dictate what you deserve.

The American Revolution has stood the test of time because we are reminded that our freedoms come from God, not man.

Communism takes away all your rights, your property, your opportunities, your choices, and your freedoms. This includes thought, worship, association.

Panoramic view on communism in Russia:

The movie, moscow-on-the-hudson” (1984) was written and directed by Paul Mazursky and stars Robin Williams as Vladimir Ivanoff, a performing saxophonist with the Moscow Circus who is visiting New York City. He decides to defect while shopping at Bloomingdale’s in New York City. NEW YORK – Mazursky said the idea for the film came from his own grandfather who immigrated to the United States from Russia.

He says: “Most Russians are just trying to survive. However, every Russian who leaves their country, leaves behind something they treasure and love. It’s a terrible conflict for them, so the act of bravery is overwhelming.” .

The movie opens with Vladimir in Russia living “in a crowded apartment with his extended family.” He then “stands in line for hours to buy toilet paper and shoes.” He takes so long to buy toilet paper and shoes that he’s late for rehearsal. Boris, the member of the communist party, KGB,

“criticizes Vladimir for being late for rehearsal and suggests that Vladimir may miss the upcoming trip to the United States.” Vladimir immediately hands Boris the shoes from the store that made him late. After the rehearsal, Vladimir goes with his friend to buy gas for his car from a “black market dealer”.

After Vladimir defects, he has several American citizens who immediately agreed to help him. They give her a place to stay with his family, help him find a job and a recent US citizen from Cuba who is his lawyer.

Blessings from America: America is not perfect, but it is our last beacon of hope!

America was built on Judeo-Christian values, law and order, righteousness, capitalism, entrepreneurship, and the free market. America is a land of opportunity. Our United States Constitution protects our freedoms. The framers of our Constitution were wise enough to realize that our inalienable rights do not come from government or from man; they came from God. They were also wise enough to create the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to be exclusive (explaining what the government can’t do, rather than all the things it could do).

The same freedoms that most of us take for granted, such as the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom of assemblyY freedom of petition government to right wrongs is what makes this country great. It is also why this great nation of ours is a magnet for people from all over the world who respond to the “battle cry of their souls to be free seeking citizenship”.

Your candidate for President in America must have 2 goals?

one) Dedication to growing the stability and strength of his country.

2) The candidate must be committed to protecting and defending the rights of its citizens.

What is the Night of Broken Glass?

night of the Broken Glass(also called the Broken glass night). On November 9 and 10, 1938, pogroms, Violent riots (attacks, looting, arson, mass arrests and death) took place. against Jews by paramilitary SA (storm trooper) forces and civilians throughout Nazi Germany, Austria, the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, Slovakia, Bohemia, Poland and Moravia. These rioters destroyed, attacked, looted, and demolished Jewish businesses, homes, schools, hospitals, and synagogues with sledgehammers. After the attacks, broken glass was left on the streets.

British historian Martin Gilbert wrote that no event in the history of German Jews between 1933 and 1945 was as widely reported as it was happening, and the accounts of foreign journalists working in Germany shocked the entire world.

The Times of London observed on November 11, 1938: “No foreign propagandist bent on blackening Germany before the world could top the story of burning and beatings, of unscrupulous attacks on defenseless and innocent people, which dishonored that country yesterday..”

Communism is total government control. Breaking of law and order, looting, destruction, arson, death. Pogroms, Kristallnacht, eradicating statues (erasing history), inculcating the youth (brainwashing), no accountability, against independent thought, against self-reliance, against family values, against religion, against the human spirit. Tramples the constitution. Take away all your rights and freedoms.

Where is my family from?

My family is from Russia and Hungary, where there were no rights, options, opportunities, freedom of expression or right to a fair trial. You did what the government officials told you to do. There was no freedom of expression. No property ownership. There was no choice in anything. The government decided what your career would be. When you argued to try to protect yourself, they would put you in jail and kill you.

America is the only place you can go from rags to rich. In other countries, if you were born poor, you stay that way for the rest of your life. Mark J. Quann, author, said in 2017: “Immigrants are four times more likely to become millionaires in America.”

How many immigrants come to the United States each year? “Over 1 million immigrants arrive in the US each year. In 2017, the top country of origin for new immigrants entering the US was India, with 126,000 people, followed by Mexico (124,000), China (121,000) and Cuba (41,000).”

Over 18 years: What if what they tell you is not 100% true? Do you question what they tell you and seek to verify the truth? Do you educate yourself? Are you responsible for your actions? What is your goal or dream?

only in america You will be given the opportunity to choose your dream and work for it!

Rebecca Walser, expert author of “Wealth Unbroken,” says: In America, “you have the power to take control of your life, your destiny, and that’s something that billions of people don’t have.”

Communist China in 2016 had a population of 1.4 billion. “Its citizens had only an average per capita disposable income of $3,469 in 2016.” Compare this “to 320 million Americans who had an annual per capita disposable income of $43,536 that same year.” (Walser, wealth intact)

Your candidate for President in America must have 2 objectives?

one) Be dedicated to growing the stability and strength of their country.

2) The candidate must be committed to protecting and defending the rights of its citizens.

Why have so many millions of people come to the United States? America is not perfect, but it has incredible opportunities and possibilities that communism does not!

These immigrants from Russia, China, Laos and other countries who have become US citizens are “not begging” to return to the countries they fled from!

These 5+ months of pandemic and being confined at home has brought stress and anxiety to America with civil unrest, riots, looting and murder. This is a reminder of the pogroms in Russia and night of the Broken Glass(Night of broken glass) in Nazi GermanyAustria, the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, Slovakia, Bohemia, Poland, and Moravia.

Think and get the real facts, before you vote for the President of the United States on November 3, 2020!

Your candidate for President in America must have 2 objectives?

one) Be dedicated to growing the stability and strength of his country.

2) The candidate must be committed to protecting and defending the rights of its citizens.

Remember what President Ronald Reagan said: “Freedom is never more than a generation from extinction… It must be fought for, protected and passed on so they can do the same.”

Think and get the real facts before you vote on November 3, 2020.

Do you want to keep your rights and privileges in the United States or give them up?

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