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Your pet is a family project: make it fun

Who let the dogs out … a catchy tune comes to mind. And responsibilities of the dog owner. I bet that’s not what the Baha Men sing about. But if you’re a dog-loving family man, just listen to the beat, forget the lyrics, which I don’t know anyway, and get inspired. There are fun ways to make sure your dog is well cared for and it involves the whole family.

So you got Buddy the Labrador for your elementary school son Jack, who always wanted a dog. Buddy and Jack would certainly make great playmates, but Jack would need help with the dog’s other needs. Look no further, older kids can clean or fill Buddy’s empty food and water container. Or fix the dog area. Or give Buddy a bath. Dividing tasks is an excellent opportunity to give children a sense of shared responsibility.

Shared responsibility for the dog also brings family members closer together because of the many bonding opportunities it presents. A child in my neighborhood walking his dog in the morning when school is out or on weekends is an example. Sometimes in the afternoons it is the dad, and other times I see dad and son chatting animatedly while walking the dog together. Then I see the boy playing with his younger brother and the dog in the yard. I’m sure these kids will long remember these precious moments with dad and dog together.

Specific tasks can be assigned based on age, ability, and availability. Boy, little work, my mother used to say when I grew up with seven children in the family. Identify tasks and assign them: the dog needs food and water, cleaning the dog’s bowl, the dog’s bed and sheets, the dog’s house or crate, the urination breaks, the routine of bathing, grooming, exercise and even the game. Make a schedule and a checklist of tasks and the corresponding “champion” or manager and post it in a place that is clearly visible to all. Think of the refrigerator door. Or kitchen bulletin board. Also include the time of the vet visit for your own reminder. You can monitor compliance and make it even more fun by passing the champion roster when you need it.

A critical aspect of shared responsibility and family dog ​​ownership is discipline. It’s easy to give in to Jack if he wants to snuggle with Buddy on the couch. Or laugh when Buddy jumps onto the dining room table and shares a bite of your child’s food. Or do nothing while Buddy plays and jumps around the house with the kids. No amount of saying no to everything Buddy does that you don’t approve of will empower you if the rest of your family gives Buddy a wrestling for everyone. Children get confused by mixed messages and grow up learning the wrong things. Also the dogs. Dog training and psychology professionals tell us that contradictory responses to a dog’s behavior will confuse the dog and set him up for failure.

And then we hear woof stories where the dog takes over the pack: the family. It is important then that an adult or parent, maintain the role of leader of the pack. The pack leader sets the guidelines for how the dog should be trained to behave or how family members should react to Buddy in certain situations. Everyone in the family must be on board and comply. Owning a dog is more fun when approached as a team effort to make sure Buddy is well-groomed, well-behaved, and a happy member of the family. You don’t have to worry about who lets the dog in or out.

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