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World of Warcraft – How to Get the Core Hound Pup Non-Combat Pet in WoW

As a World of Warcraft fan, you’ve probably already noticed how the creator of this game, Blizzard, continually hints at movies and stories through names and other features.

You have, for example, engineering professors named Zebig and Lebowski. You have a Haris Pilton selling a big bag at the “World’s End Tavern” bar. You have a quest called “Zedd is probably dead”.

And now you have the Core Hound Pup, one of the latest vanity pets in WoW.

What does the Core Hound puppy look like?

Well, in short, this pet is a fierce-looking two-headed dog, and that’s actually a clue as to how you can get this companion.

Does the two-headed dog ring a bell, Pavlov? Maybe three heads?

Traditionally, the dog Cerberus, who guarded the gates of Hades, had three or sometimes two heads.

And you get this particular companion by connecting an authenticator to your World of Warcraft (Battlenet) account. This authenticator uses Kerberos security.

So how do you get an authenticator?

You have two possibilities. You can buy a token that connects to your Battlenet account or use your cell phone with a mobile authenticator.

If you choose to get the token, the price is very low, less than $7 right now. You can order one through the Blizzard Shop.

If your phone supports mobile authenticator, you can download it for free. I use it on my iPhone, and it works perfectly.

When your authenticator is up and running, you’ll need to enter the generated number each time you log into your account, which will add extra security and make your account less likely to be hacked.

How to Receive the Core Hound Puppy

Once you have installed your authenticator and/or connected it to your Battlenet account, you will receive an email with your companion for each existing character in WoW.

Also all future characters will receive this dog.

But if you uninstall the authenticator, for some reason your pets will be gone when you log out of your account.

Is this rare pet?

Yes, oddly enough, even though this pet is free, or almost free, if you buy the token, it is still considered “very rare”. Only 14.2% of collectors own it at this time.

And it is a very special pet that does a lot of idle animations like beg for a bone, throw the bone in the air, roll, etc. So it’s well worth the $7 or downloading some software to your phone.

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