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Women: The 8 things you need to know about men

Calling all women! The following is imperative for women to read. The following information will change your life. You will know how to make any man fall madly in love with you. Having a relationship with your husband that you didn’t even think existed. Get the man of your dreams, easily by simply learning 10 things you didn’t know about men. Does it all sound too good to be true? it is not. The only thing you have to do to make these techniques work is to use them.

Drive your husband crazy, get your ex back, get any man you want and keep him infatuated by learning these 8 things about men:

1. They need respect from you. Your man needs to feel respected. Professionals always tell us how we should respect our spouse and demand the same; How exactly do we show respect to our man? Actually, it is quite simple. Do not speak ill of your man with anyone, especially with his children. Never criticize him in front of anyone. Tell him what you love so much about him every day.

2. they are insecure. As much as men brag and talk about how they do everything better than everyone else, it’s hard to believe, but deep down men are really insecure about themselves. They may feel insecure about their appearance, too afraid to ask for a deserved promotion, and even insecure about their relationship. By following these techniques you can help them overcome insecurity.

3. They need us to initiate sex much more than we do.. Your husband needs to know that you want him. If he’s always the one to initiate sex, he’ll feel like you’re doing it just because you feel like you have to have sex with him. He will begin to feel that he is pity sex. This is not healthy for him or his relationship in any way.

4. they want you to look good. I don’t mean her husband wants you to get cosmetic work and lose 50 pounds. He already loves how you look and just needs you to put on nice (sexy) clothes, do your makeup and do your hair. Adding jewelry, the perfume he likes, and shaving will make him appreciate you even more.

5. they love long hair. If you don’t have long hair, buy yourself a wig and surprise him when he gets to bed. Make sure you wear something sexy too, or better yet, don’t wear anything.

6. They go to look at other women.. Men are genetically incapable of not looking at a pretty woman walking by. They just like to watch, that’s all. Watch with him, he will love it. Point out hot women to him. This will have you checking out more than anyone.

7. They need their wives to know that they really love them.. Make sure your man knows that you absolutely understand how deep his feelings for you run. He has to know that you feel loved.

8. They need to know that you are proud of them.. Men are programmed to protect and support their families. It is important that you tell your husband how proud you are to be his wife.

Learn these 8 simple things men wish women knew, and your relationship will only get better.

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