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What type and size of eye wrinkles do you have? Crow’s feet or eagle’s claws!

Men over the age of 50 tend to have more and deeper eye wrinkles, bags and wrinkles under the eyes as they age. In my case, they are more like deep eagle talons going down to my chin. So what can you do to improve them?

First: Start using a moisturizer twice a day, morning and night, on freshly cleansed skin. I bet if I were to ask a hundred men over the age of 50 how many of them moisturize their faces twice a day, what do you think the answer would be? Probably one or maybe two more than zero.

We older men are simply not used to taking care of our facial skin. We have never gotten used to doing it. The closest most of us have ever come is slathering on aftershave after scratching half our face with a three-blade razor. So hydration is the very important first step to take care of our facial skin.

Second, look for a good quality natural anti-aging and anti-wrinkle eye cream and gel. Eye gel is important for wrinkles under the eyes and sagging bags. It is specifically designed for this most sensitive facial area.

Now, if you are ready to start a daily skin care regimen, you want a range of good quality natural skin care products that will do more than just moisturize around the eyes and face.

Recently after much research on the internet. I found a new range of natural skin creams for men, chances are you have never heard of them. This small company has great innovative skin care creams. I now practice what I preach, and have not missed a day using your men’s active eye gel and facial fluid since I started a short while ago. No, my eagle claw eye wrinkles have not disappeared overnight, nor did I expect them to.

What happened to my surprise is that my skin is now well hydrated, no longer dry or itchy. It feels softer, smoother and looks healthier. My under eye wrinkles look less baggy and don’t seem to sag as much. It’s still early days, I imagine it will take 2-3 months to see a big improvement in wrinkles, but I’m very encouraged by the results so far.

These new anti-wrinkle eye creams include ingredients that can actually stimulate both collagen and elastin regeneration. These two proteins are responsible for the cellular structure of the skin and its elasticity. Increasing the volume of both will help reduce deep wrinkles and eliminate fine lines.

A good quality under eye wrinkle cream should also contain moisturizing ingredients from natural essential oils such as jojoba, grapeseed and avocado oils. Also, don’t forget that wrinkles on your face and eyes need to be hydrated, so drink plenty of water every day – no scotch included if you can handle it!

Finally, if you’re over 50 and haven’t used a skin moisturizer before, start a daily skin care routine as soon as you can. It will make a world of difference to your eye wrinkles and under-eye bags when you hit your 60s. I know it’s worth it, because the increase in wrinkles and depth that I’ve experienced from my 50s to my 60s is substantially more than I expected.

You can learn more about these ingredients on my website below.

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