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What is myofascial release?

How can it benefit me?

Myofascial release is a practical therapy that has been used for over a hundred years to treat common injuries and pain. The demand for these massage-like treatments is rising sharply as the public looks for alternatives to drugs, surgery and prescriptions.

Myofascial release is used to treat a specific tissue called fascia pronounced “faashaa”

Fascia is the tissue that covers all of our muscles and bones, allowing us to move freely and live without pain. When that fascia tightens, it causes pain and discomfort. To live without pain, the fascia must be released or stretched.

How will myofascial release help me?

Myofascial therapy is used to break down existing scar tissue, relax muscles, and restore good posture. It is an effective therapy for the care of lower back pain, headaches, sports injuries and arthritis problems.

Myofascial release therapy is of great benefit in reducing muscle spasms and improving breathing. The therapy helps lengthen your tissue so you can have better movement and healthier muscles.

It is an excellent alternative therapy that can be used to treat these conditions long term instead of the four to six hour pain relief pills they may offer.

How does the treatment feel?

Your treatment lasts fifteen minutes to an hour. It is used by a qualified physician trained in the proper myofascial release techniques and methods.

Pain is not the goal!

It is always good for your doctor to know what the pressure feels like during your therapy. Your skin may feel a slight burning or stretching around the area you are treating. Both of these things are quite normal and safe for you.

How many treatments do I need? Will the therapist make me come back?

Since we are all individuals, the amount of therapy needed will vary, but most patients notice a difference shortly after their first treatment!

Your therapist will help you develop a treatment plan. Sometimes only a few treatments are required, and others will take longer.

Regardless of your plan, know and understand that treatment will provide long-term relief and greater overall comfort, improving your quality of life.

Myofascial Release by Barry Jenings at

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