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We really need the red magic marker committees now, in every city in America!

Many people are scratching their heads at this challenge of perpetual unemployment and asking the government to fix the problem. That’s interesting because government is the problem, not the solution, to paraphrase Ronald Reagan and others who have reminded us since. Politicians have apparently become ingrained in the heads of the population to trust the government, who simply assume that the government will or can fix everything. Unbelievable really, unfortunately that is not the case.

Today we have our citizens complaining about offshoring, outsourcing, unemployment, trade deficits and the national debt. But if we really look at the problems, they are all related to poor management. And as a businessman and former businessman, all I can remember in all my days of providing jobs and products and services, the desires of the masses, is the aggravation and barriers to entry by my government, no, not just the federal level. , although certainly there too, it was from all branches and levels of government.

There was an interesting article recently in the Wall Street Journal, it was an editorial and it touched on this topic. The article appears in the newspaper of Monday, October 25, 2010 and is titled; “Licensing to Kill” and pointed to many instances of purely insane local ordinances, laws, and fees that scared away small businesses. In fact, I know this is a fact, but what bothers me is that everyone else in the world doesn’t know it, or that city councils and city attorneys constantly come up with more local regulations that stifle growth, the creation of companies and, therefore, employment growth as well.

The Wall Street Journal article also pointed to a study, a research paper done on this topic that empirically showed how jobs and opportunities were wasted in this way. You should read this WSJ editorial to see his point of view and then come back and read my action plan to stop this problem and provide economic and job growth in this great nation of ours.

What we need are Red Magic Marker Committees, groups of concerned small businesses that can review all laws, rules, regulations at all levels of government and start drawing lines through most of this endless bureaucracy and nonsense. Make it easier for entrepreneurs, not harder, and if we do that, those jobs will be everywhere, and we will once again prosper like never before. Now stop arguing with me about your BS politics and do this. It’s the only way to get those jobs back! Please think.

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