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Ways You Can Help, Charity Shopping

Shopping, charity… they seem to be the furthest thing from each other. However, in order to donate, most of the time it requires a bit of shopping. But the question is: how exactly can you help?

1. Clothes.

People in need usually need nice, warm clothes. Popular items are coats, pants, shoes, and the like. However, you need to understand that these only keep a person warm in the lowermost layer, and sometimes even this is not enough. You can also help them out by buying five packs of t-shirts and the like. You don’t have to spend a lot, but a little certainly helps.

If you buy clothes, you can buy them new or used in good condition. This may mean a quick trip to the thrift store, but you should keep in mind that most of the time you can find these items for cheap at your local Walmart.

2. Food.

Food is also something big and important that you can donate. However, you must understand that there are certain elements that are more important. Canned vegetables are usually a good idea, as are boxes of pasta and the like. Make sure everything you provide is within the sell-by date, and check with your local shelter or charity to find out what they need most. You may be able to find these things at a good price and really help someone.

3. Change.

Certain charities are always looking for a few extra bucks, especially if it’s as easy as dropping a coin or two in a jar that they can easily transfer. This way they can buy what they need without having to ask anyone for certain items. They can go through and find everything they need. You don’t even have to worry about what they need. Just give a dollar or two and your job is done.

4. Shopping… charity shopping.

And then you have the charity shopping. So you’re wondering… what the heck is this? Well, it’s the easiest way to donate, especially if you don’t have time to search for food for your local food bank or don’t have change most of the time. This method is not only super fast, but also much easier.

All you have to do is go to your local charity shopping site and then move on to your favorite sites. You don’t have to worry about having enough change or anything because the sites donate for you. You don’t pay extra.

These are just a few of the ways you can contribute to your local charities, but there are many other ways. One is a volunteer. Most of the time, people need volunteers. Even if that means helping single moms at a homeless shelter once a month, it’s still more than most people make. You can also help out at your local animal shelter. Keep in mind that you only need to use the time you have free.

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