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Vitamin Truth or Dare: A Recipe for Poor Health

Do you rely on vitamins to keep you healthy? Well, I bet you believed in Santa Claus too. Why such strong words for a layman? Let’s just say that a little personal experience plus a bit of reading up on clinical research becomes quite sobering. So, just like in the well-known movie “The Matrix”, this is your point of choice: keep reading and possibly have to change your lifestyle and your views on vitamins or just keep wasting your money with that “newspaper”. “. Ready, Set, Go!

TV and doctors used to tell us that taking vitamins was good for you; But new research suggests that a multiple daily dose is a waste of money for most people, and there’s growing evidence that some of the other old standbys can even harm your health. Are you willing to put your health or that of your family at risk for outdated information? Here is a myth; a multivitamin can make up for a bad diet, it’s like an insurance policy in a pill. Read it again and soak it up… Are you one of those looking for the easy path to better health? Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of ​​ease, value for money, and nutrition in a capsule, but not a synthetic vitamin. I will explain later. But for now, let’s keep our thumbs down on those commonly known single or multi ingredient vitamins. Last year, researchers published new findings from the Women’s Health Initiative, in a long-term study of more than 160,000 middle-aged women where data showed that people who take multivitamins are no healthier than those who don’t. they take the pills. Wow, imagine that! What a waste of money the study suggested when it came to the big diseases: cancer, heart disease, stroke. But get this… “Even women with poor diets did not benefit from taking a multivitamin,” says study author Marian Neuhouser, PhD. That? Can this be true? Well, this is what I read in that study from the cancer prevention program at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.

At the beginning of the 20th century, vitamin supplements became fashionable; this, at a time when it was difficult for most people to obtain a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the year. This makes a lot of sense, right? Need + a free market + a bit of marketing and ‘wa-la’ the multivitamin was born. This is no laughing matter, because back then vitamin deficiency diseases like bowlegs, misshapen ribs, and rickets (caused by a severe shortage of vitamin D) were not unknown. What about the skin problems and brain fog of pellagra (caused by a lack of B vitamins and niacin)? The good news is that fresh fruits and vegetables (even in capsule form) are available year-round; and even an average American diet will keep the aforementioned problems at bay. But let’s not stop with just poor health… unless you want to too.

The FDA recommends 10-12 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Who has the time or budget for that? Why do we need so much? It is now commonly known that while we have access to a wide variety of products, the nutritional content is lower due to modern agriculture, soil depletion, and distribution practices. Also, have you heard that packaged foods are fortified with vitamins? My question is; Where do they get these vitamins? I suggest that these processed foods use synthetic forms of vitamins; in other words, man-made. Would some old-school, God-fearing naturalist, grandma, or parent feed their loved ones a diet of man-made fillers? is NOT the answer!

Sure, most of us could use a couple more daily servings of products, but a multivitamin or single dose simply doesn’t work well as a substitute for the real thing. Because? Well, because “multivitamins have maybe two dozen ingredients, but plants have hundreds of other helpful compounds,” Neuhouser says. “If you only take one multivitamin, you’re missing out on a lot of enzymes and compounds that can provide synergistic benefits.” With that being said, who is still interested in sticking to their old views on vitamins?

Want to take this conversation about nutritional importance to a higher level? Then there is a group that is more dependent on their nutritional choices, women of reproductive age. Get the nuance here… I’m not saying for those who are already pregnant (that’s important too) but for those who are of reproductive age and have opportunities! For the right supplements are safe in case of pregnancy. Since the spinal cord begins to develop very early in embryos, studies have shown that a woman who gets adequate amounts of the B vitamin folate is much less likely to have a baby with a birth defect that affects the spinal cord. The scary thing is… this spinal cord is already developing from the very beginning, “with” or “without” those most essential vitamins…many times before a woman even knows she is pregnant. I have read that the Dr and nutritionist suggest that the safest course for these women is to get 400 micrograms of B9 per day. In its natural form, B9 is water soluble and well regulated by the body, so the concept of overdose is rare with natural food sources, plus overdoses only occur with synthetic supplements, says nutritionist Daisy Whitbread BSC. Folic acid is the synthetic form of vitamin B9 found in fortified foods and supplements, and with most vitamins, the natural form of vitamin B9 (folate) is preferred and better for absorption. Vitamin B9 (folate) is required for numerous bodily functions, including DNA synthesis and repair, cell division, and cell growth. Vitamin B9 has many rich natural sources, enjoy eating: Blackeye Beans, Lentils, Spinach and Avocado to name a few.

Do your eyes begin to open? Are you starting to see the downside of multivitamins and synthetic man-made vitamins? Or maybe we need to talk about another vitamin myth: Vitamin C can control the cold. Today, pharmacies are full of vitamin C-based remedies. Why is this? Simple…great marketing in the early 1970s popularized the idea that vitamin C could prevent colds. But today, more recent studies say: Buyer beware. In fact, a few years back in 2007, researchers analyzed a cross-section of studies from a decade ago involving more than 11,000 subjects to come to a disappointing conclusion: Vitamin C did not prevent colds, except among extreme marathoners, skiers and soldiers. in subarctic exercises. Are you living in the subarctic? Do you do marathons monthly? Then stop believing the publicity of old bad conclusions. Here is another question for you to consider. Can vitamin C reduce the duration of colds? Research shows these nominal results. Adults usually have cold symptoms for 12 days of the year; a daily pill could reduce that to 11 days. — Oh! Children can go from 28 days of a runny nose to 24 per year. — Wow, take that one to the bank. Does your common sense agree with thesis researchers, “that minor reductions like these aren’t worth the expense and hassle of taking pills year-round (in other words…taking synthetic C only after they pop up?) symptoms does not help).”

“Okay, okay, I’m starting to see the light, but ‘hey, it can’t hurt, right?’ Fact is, in some cases it might. vitamins may not help, but they can’t hurt either. The new thinking is that if it’s not helping you, then it’s actually hurting you.” We are what we eat, right? So why do we so easily overhaul our brains when buying supplements? Is there a way to supplement that will actually help boost our immune system and general willpower naturally? The answer is a resounding yes. { British Journal of Nutrition / Volume 105 / Issue 01 / January 2011, pp 118-122} But wait, I’ll get back to that in a few. How about that myth, “it can’t hurt”? You may have heard or read, but some large-scale studies are responsible for changing this thinking. Paraphrasing the work of Dr. Demetrius Albanes, MD, a nutritional epidemiologist at the National Cancer Institute, I would explain it this way… The change began with a study of beta-carotene pills. The study was meant to test whether the man-made antioxidant could prevent lung cancer. What the researchers found instead was a startling increase in lung cancer and deaths among male smokers who took the supplement; not the other way. No one knew what to make of the result at first, but later studies have shown that it was not a fluke. I don’t know about you, but a huge piece of research, as recently as 2010, showed that there is a real possibility that, in some circumstances, antioxidant pills could actually promote cancer (in both women and men). I would no longer be playing Russian roulette with my additional options. Also, I read that other studies have raised concerns that taking high doses of folic acid might increase the risk of colon cancer. I suggest that vitamins are safe when you get them in your food or in a real food/whole food capsule, but not in a synthetic pill. Today, experts say these man-made pills labeled “supplement” can act more like a drug, with the potential for unexpected and sometimes dangerous effects.

As studies have eroded the hopes placed on most vitamin supplements, a dietary supplement is looking better and better. In summary, we found that prevention is best with women of reproductive age and those of all ages who want to avoid disease. And that prevention is best accomplished by selecting real, natural food sources of vitamins and their accompanying nutrients and enzymes. Plus, these whole food options are best when approached as an ongoing “lifestyle” rather than an ad-hoc pill-popping mentality due to swallowing the synthetic vitamin marketing messages of yesteryear.

Therefore, we can finally encourage new discoveries and studies in optimal health with the option to supplement daily with Juice Plus, whole food capsules. Go ahead and investigate them, I dare you!

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