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Viewing point!

The calling or assignment that God has proposed for your life has the potential to become something “great” for God. This means that your purpose has high expectations associated with it. By raising your level of expectation to believe that you can accomplish the task, it means starting at the “point of view”!

The viewing point is the place where you use your creative imagination.. This is where you “see” yourself fulfilling the call or assignment. You should “see yourself” writing the book, preaching to the crowd, recording your music CD, making your first movie, preaching your first sermon, and the like. If you can see yourself, you are ready to maximize your ministry to become a leader at the forefront by working in four important areas in the development and fulfillment of your assignment:

1. Clarify your goals and vision– Habakkuk 2: 2-3 Writing the vision and clarifying your goals is important to your ministry and / or assignment.

2. Strengthen your determination – Philippians 4:13 The words determination and determine have the following synonyms: determination, decision, intent, and discovery. The two words that are most closely related are decision and determination. Strengthen your decision to move on.

3. Accelerate your progress – Philippians 3:12 Press toward the goal. You must move your ministry, assignment, and / or business into a progressive mode. Line after line, precept after precept, you must begin to accelerate your life purpose toward its full development.

Four. Build credibility – It refers to the reputation you have among people who know you. Do what you say you are going to do and do more of what you are expected to do. Be a problem solver, not a culprit. Show optimism and enthusiasm. Be excited about your ministry and calling. The most important thing is to treat everyone with respect, be thoughtful, compliment those who deserve it, and acknowledge each other’s contributions.

If God has given you a vision for a particular assignment or called you to a specific task, then there is a market that is in demand for the goods that God has placed within you. God has prearranged and is fixing some doors of opportunity through interaction with people, places and ministries, to bring you to the market that needs your goods (gifts, talents and calling). Learn to be sensitive to the voice and movement of the Holy Spirit to recognize the the right people, at the right time and to do the right thing It is critical to understanding your calling and being able to visualize yourself completing your task.


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