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Video Marketing – Is YouTube Your Best Choice For Hosting Your Videos?

YouTube was created to host and deliver videos. Was it created for all kinds of content, including your marketing videos? No, it wasn’t, as evidenced by sales of “pre-roll” advertising rights on the front of any video. However, there is a reason to use YouTube.

The reason you want to use YouTube as a distribution point for your marketing videos is because the software provides keyword terms/tags that are associated with your video when you upload it. Also, your video title is relevant and will show up in search results, so by all means use YouTube to distribute your video. So while you probably won’t get as many direct YouTube views, it will still help you get your video found on search engines.

But does it make sense to use YouTube to embed a video ad on your website? Yes and no. Yes, because it’s free, but no, because you risk someone else’s pre-roll ad appearing in front of your own ad. YouTube was never meant to be a marketing hosting company for videos, and therefore they are entitled to use your content however they want, once you’ve uploaded it.

The best place to upload your video ad (if you have one) is to an online directory whose sole purpose is to support your marketing initiatives. These would include a local search site dedicated to providing local news, activities and/or local business information. They will help you create a great video, upload it to YouTube for you, and host it. They will also propose additional ways to distribute your video ad in select placements for more views and conversions.

Video advertising has a greater impact than text or display advertising. So you need a video ad, and distributing it wisely is important. While you should include YouTube as an upload option, it is not the preferred way to market and advertise your business.

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