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Treatment of bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive disorder, is one of the main mental illnesses described in the DSM-IV-TR. It is characterized by episodes of depression and mania. The first article in this series, Understanding the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorders, defined these episodes and discussed the different types of bipolar disorders. This article will tell you about some of the treatment options.

Generally, a person with bipolar disorder will need a combination of medications and psychotherapy. Many people consult a doctor for medication and think it will be enough to cope with the symptoms of the disorder. To truly understand the disorder, therapy is relevant. Medicines can help control, but not cure, the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Most people experience ongoing symptoms, even when taking medication. It is for that reason that I highly recommend that a person attend therapy.

A trained therapist can help you identify behavioral methods for managing symptoms of depression and mania. A common type of therapy used with bipolar disorder is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a type of therapy that teaches a person to understand the thinking behind some irrational emotions and behaviors. It can also teach a person to change behaviors to positively affect thoughts and feelings.

Another important technique for managing bipolar disorder is relaxation exercises. A therapist will teach you to relax to control some of the anxiety and physical discomfort that can accompany the disorder. Breathing exercises, visualizations, and progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) are common relaxation exercises that will improve your ability to control symptoms.

Mindfulness is another way to handle some of the negative emotions you may experience. Mindfulness is a technique that teaches you to recognize and be present with your emotions without overreacting or underreacting to them. It is very helpful for those experiencing depression or hypomania.

Supportive therapy is also often needed, particularly when the diagnosis is made for the first time. My motto is “smart people have therapists.” It is wise to have an objective and knowledgeable person to talk to as you learn how bipolar disorder affects your life. A therapist can help you process the emotions you are experiencing and accept the diagnosis. Supportive therapy can also help with important things, like establishing a healthy routine to help manage symptoms.

Having a healthy daily routine is very important in both managing and recognizing symptoms. The better you are able to maintain a daily routine, the easier it will be to notice if an episode of depression or mania begins. Also, a routine will help you stay balanced.

Keeping a daily mood chart is one way to notice if your mood begins to change and if there are any triggers or patterns to your mood swings. A therapist can help you identify the important things to include in your daily chart. Watching your mood begin to change is one way to help yourself control symptoms and avoid being “caught off guard” by an episode.

Diet and exercise can also help treat bipolar disorder. Exercising daily can help decrease the number of depressive episodes you experience. Also, a diet low in carbohydrates and high in Omega 3 can help stabilize mood swings. You can speak with a doctor, dietitian, or therapist to learn more about dietary options.

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is another fairly common way to treat bipolar disorders that do not respond to medication. ECT involves electrical shocks to the brain performed in an environment controlled by a trained physician.

You are not expected to know how to manage the symptoms of this disorder just because you have been diagnosed. Never be afraid or ashamed to ask friends, family, doctors, or therapists for help. People with bipolar disorder can lead healthy and productive lives when treated with proper medication and taught behavioral skills to manage symptoms.

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