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Tips for Storing Massage Therapy Tables

Buying massage therapy tables and chairs for your practice is often the biggest expense you’ll have to set up shop and start your own practice. You already know how to buy this equipment, but do you know how to store it? Storing them properly is important to make sure your expensive gear stays in great condition.

Because buying equipment is so expensive, it’s a good idea to get into the habit of taking care of those tables and chairs and storing them properly from the start. If you do that, you can keep your expensive equipment running smoothly and looking great for years to come. Here are some tips from experienced massage therapists that you can use to keep your massage tables and chairs in tip-top condition:

clean them every time
even if you Massage Therapy Tables it will simply be stored overnight or until the next client appointment and even if you normally clean the table after each client, you should clean it before storing. Use a baby wipe or makeup remover wipe to make sure there are no stains on the upholstery and to clean dust off the legs and underside of the table. The folding table, especially, needs to be cleaned frequently. If dust accumulates in the folding mechanism, the table could stop working as well as it should, so be sure to clean the folding mechanism.

cover them
Furniture covers or even old sheets can be great protectors for massage therapy tables and chairs. Covering the table will help keep dust, dirt, and debris off your equipment. It will also prevent discoloration of the upholstery or pad on the table top. If you use colored towels or sheets, make sure they are also stored in a place where they won’t end up discoloring. Fixed tables must be covered every night when not in use.

remove accessories
If you are not using the table, remove armrests, headrests, steps, or other accessories to prevent unnecessary wear. Store accessories in a nylon bag or plastic box to prevent them from getting dirty and to keep the covers clean and attractive. To prevent padded cases from smelling bad, place a sachet of herbs in the storage bag or sprinkle some fresh herbs in the case.

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