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The Yeast Free Diet – Free yourself from sugar overload

You need to understand the basics of how yeast behaves in the body before embarking on a yeast-free diet. Yeast is a normal component in the body’s functions for processes. The yeast lives in the digestive tract and in the vagina and helps regulate the balance of the vagina.

Yeast organisms feed on sugars in the body. When there is too much sugar in the system, or a weakened immune system from illness or antibiotic use, you could be dealing with an explosion of yeast organisms. Even hormonal changes due to pregnancy and menstruation can cause yeast overgrowth. And, people with reduced immunity due to illness or disease often get a fungal infection.

However, when yeast overgrowth occurs, you’ll be faced with symptoms you’d rather not treat. Common symptoms of vaginal candidiasis are itching, burning, and pain in the vagina and labia. Yeast infections often spread to the inner thighs, under the breasts, or to any warm, moist environment.

If left untreated, a yeast infection can develop into a more serious spread of yeast in the blood, organs, and even the brain. It is best to treat yeast infection immediately when you notice symptoms of yeast infection. Also, use preventative measures like a temporary yeast-free diet to stop yeast overgrowth and harmonize your body.

Yeast thrives on sugar, so the key to making the yeast-free diet work is to cut back on sugars. Hidden sugars are everywhere in beverages, processed foods, and condiments. You can apply the yeast-free diet by eliminating the following:

High-fructose corn syrup – found in soft drinks, candy, coffee flavoring, and fast-food sauces

Fat-free snacks: tend to increase the level of processed sugars

Cocktails: Mixed drinks such as margaritas, daiquiris, and mixed sodas contain grams of sugar

Sugary cereal: Avoid sugary cereals as the cereal and ice cream topping contain a lot of sugar.

The yeast-free diet incorporates natural sugars that are quickly broken down in the body, rather than being stored as yeast food. Eat fruit, use natural sweeteners like honey and simple syrup, and try cinnamon or nutmeg spices in your coffee instead of sugary flavoring bombs.

Eat vegetables and grains that will bulk up during digestion, keeping you full longer. Try not to resort to diet sodas, as they contain chemicals. Try flavored sparkling water or freshly squeezed juices. Adding frozen berries to water makes sweet ice cubes!

Avoid beer as it is high in fermented yeast and sugars, and red wine has much less sugar than red wine.

rose gold white wine Try mixed drinks with club soda or tonic water.

Your yeast infection can be controlled with a yeast-free diet, as well as year-round infection prevention. By following a few guidelines, you can enjoy a normal carbohydrate diet without excess sugars that contribute to yeast infections.

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