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The pros and cons of corner desks

It is certainly not easy to create the perfect design for your office and furnish it. There are many highly functional furniture solutions that you can consider. Corner desks are among the most popular. The question is whether such a desk can give you the functionality and comfort you are looking for. Take a closer look at the benefits and drawbacks of these units to decide.

The essential

As the name suggests, corner desks are designed to fit around corners. Those designed for professional use are usually L-shaped and have two separate work surfaces. The size and design of these surfaces can vary according to the needs of the user. Now you know the basics so you can move on to the actual evaluation of these units.


The benefits of corner desks are:

Space Saving – With a corner unit, your work area will be up to two times smaller. This is a great benefit, especially if you have a small office. This type of desk is a great solution for home business owners and those who have to set up a separate area to meet clients within their office.

Perfectly Fits Any Room Layout – No matter how small or quirky the room is, an L-shaped desk will fit perfectly into the corner of your choice. Given the functionality of such a unit, it will be great even for an office that has a large number of filing cabinets, a good number of equipment units, and a separate living room.

Maximum convenience: You will have a separate desk space to work on the computer and write. You simply need to rotate the L-shaped unit from one side to the other when you have to perform different tasks. This will undoubtedly improve your comfort and increase your productivity as well.

Additional functionality: it is easy to place a sideboard on top of such a unit. That way, you get extra storage space without cluttering your office even more.


The drawbacks of corner desks are:

Reduced privacy – When you look around the corner while you work, everyone will walk behind you and see what’s on your computer. This is a considerable inconvenience if you share your office.

You have to face a wall – For some people, this can be quite frustrating and negatively affect their productivity. It can also be inconvenient if you have to communicate with other people who work in the same office.


In general, corner desks are very functional and comfortable to use, although they may not be entirely comfortable for everyone.

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