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The Italian letter, Bush and Cheney at war

the italian letter

With love from Italy

To Mr. VP Cheney

Dear Dick, listen

The intelligence

you have been hunting

Fiercely by the CIA

Your frequent visits

have been noticed

your deep longings

they have not been fired

we have some documents

You can’t resist.

let me tell you how

they will be passed

Let the British government

be the scapegoat

the proverbial ass

Mark your information

Expert discoveries

About Saddam Hussein

purchase quantities

or attempts at it

To secure the uranium

The complaint is a hoax

But that’s why we’re going to persuade

the american people

to fear more

sensational ghost

clash with scenarios

possible odds

counterfeit debauchery

countless inaccuracies

names and dates


invent it meticulously

declare it nationally

On all home TVs

First of all the Congress

Shock, amazement and amazement

leave them dazed

fearing for their lives

imagining the inevitable

Although it won’t be real

It will serve its purpose

provide and position

To constantly move on the course

Allowing a big war in Iraq

Years to get oil and attack

Halliburton Massive Contracts

A 300% increase in your stock.

Our troops will dock in Baghdad

First, just sell the war aggressively

To Congress in Washington DC

What to bring to the American people

To generously finance the story.

Newspaper and media conglomerates

Magazines, newspapers, professors and authors

In a short time, because of the repetition

Everyone will swallow and believe

The lie will charge you a lot for bear

The claim must convincingly achieve

Everything you need to unite and encourage to lead

Assemble the troops and send

To fight the butcher of Baghdad

Take control where we left off with daddy

Watch out Iraqis! Bush II is bad.

His claims are not nearly ironclad.

But who needs the truth when the illusion

It works wonderfully with possibility.

The slightest chance works fine

Incites seated congressmen to fight

Corrupt and obstructed administration

It will cook up tasty information and it will do it well.

Our cherry pick is Saddam’s plight

Soon we’ll be shelling deep into the night

Uranium, uranus, your dirty little asshole

Once we’re safely in the theater of war

With such meticulous details we will not bore

Nor abuse ourselves with this anymore.

By then, it’s all about finding those weapons of mass destruction.

Skillfully liberating the people of Iraq

Now slow down guys! Not too fast.

Meanwhile, the American people are tired

Tired of the war, look at Paris and Britney.

As they do so, Bush Co prepares to get paid

Settle in and settle in Iraq for a decade

You know, helping Iraqis with food aid.

Absorb and harness your vast supply of oil

Surely by now you know the reason why

Elisabetta Burba from Rome is now crying

Sit kicking yourself wondering why

She did not review the vile document.

That was grossly tampered with to vent

Cheney & Bush’s tenure for more

More war contracts, oil and arms

Even Rove wanted to hack Cheney

Removed from ticket in 2004

Realizing she’s a warmongering bitch

Ready to sell for personal gain

Taking Thanksgiving Leftovers From The Saudis

Securing you more fucking oil dollars

After leaving the White House

His maneuver and speculation

We the people no longer feel

“The British government has learned

That Saddam Hussein recently sought

Significant Quantities of Uranium from Africa”.

Those 16 fatal words in 2003 from President Bush

State of the Union Address Meant to Scare

Not illuminating, though our stomachs clenched

To the smoking gun and the mushroom cloud

Bush talking about terrorists bold and strong

Ambassador Joseph Wilson said that Niger

Had nothing of fate for us to pretend

However, the Bush world intelligence rogues fell short.

For false evidence in yellow pastel, U3O8

The road to war a predetermined destination

Not by God, but by Cheney and Bush

Outrageous and amateurish false information.

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