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The fascination with big breasts: why men crave big breasts

Do you want to distract a man? She begins by revealing her cleavage. Turning heads is a short step with a bikini top that reveals even more; a stroll down any beach is likely to find men who have inadvertently stumbled into uncharted territory and become lost as they turn their heads to gaze at barely sun-covered breasts. Strip them all down and you will witness glassy eyes and drooling; full of madness!

What happens behind the scenes when these reactions are exhibited in men? Ah, how did we miss the fact that men are in their heads too? Women with large breasts elicit the same response in men that huge penises do in women, perhaps for the same reason. Men are in their heads, they already play the conqueror and own those huge breasts. They are already in the bag and in command.

This disproves the idea that men are visual and women are mental when it comes to sexual stimulation. Do not imagine for a moment that men have not retracted in their heads to fully complete sexual union when they drool at the sight of huge bare breasts. They are already doing it!

Who hasn’t seen the cartoons of the goofy guy who walks past the beautiful bare-breasted woman, a complete stranger, and calmly says, “I’ve had her.” He has, on her mind! If men could be criminally charged for what goes on in their heads, the number of sex crimes would increase exponentially. Fortunately, they cannot be.

But what causes this response? What turns perfectly normal, sane men into drooling idiots, unable to find their way to their car at the sight of bare breasts and oversized nipples? It is the same caveman response as the fight or flight instinct. It is triggered by the same subconsciously driven need to find food to store for the winter and all the basic survival instincts that humanity arrived with. Going back to the mother who has suddenly acquired large breasts that fill with milk to feed her newborn… the first significant comfort to which a newborn responds instinctively.

It triggers the same sense of fulfillment, satisfaction, and complete acceptance of being loved and nurtured that we instinctively seek as newborns. We are all driven to find this sense of fulfillment in many ways; But for most men, there is instant gratification in satisfying this need when large bare breasts are exposed to their senses! Like their caveman ancestors, they must simply follow the dream of conquest and drag the prize back to their cave to devour it, if only in their dreams.

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