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Terrible behavior of the wedding guests

Every once in a while, you hear about a wedding guest who did something so outrageous it was all you could talk about. No bride or groom wants to see this kind of thing happen at her wedding, but the truth is, it can happen to almost anyone. Here’s a look at some of the scariest wedding guest behavior and what to do about it.

I recently saw a YouTube video of a wedding guest having too much fun. He wore a red dress that was too sexy for a wedding, danced provocatively, and at the end, brought down the tent with her antics! The poor bride and the other wedding guests had to drag themselves out of the dilapidated shop in their beautiful dresses and pearl earrings. Clearly, this was not how the bride expected to remember her wedding day! Now this is an extreme case, but shocking behavior by wedding guests happens on a smaller scale every day.

There are two main causes of the attractive behavior of the wedding guests. The first is the person who simply cannot accept that the bride deserves to be the center of attention for her and that the guests have a responsibility not to divert attention away from her. This means that the mother of the groom shouldn’t wear a bright red low-cut dress, the bride’s cousin should leave her dirty boyfriend at home (you know, the guy she dates just to annoy her parents), and the parents Divorces from the bride should put their problems aside for the wedding day.

Many of those types of behaviors are somewhat predictable, which at least gives the bride and groom a chance to prevent them ahead of time. If you have a family member who tends to be inappropriately attracted, go shopping with them to gently guide them toward something that won’t cause a scene. One bride I know, for example, took her mother shopping for hers to make sure she chose a mother of the bride dress that didn’t show off her many tattoos… at least not the ones on her cleavage! ! The bride also gave her mom a pretty pair of pearl earrings, knowing that she didn’t have any special jewelry to wear to the wedding. If handled delicately, you can avert disaster without hurting anyone’s feelings.

Alcohol is the cause of many bad behaviors by wedding guests. This is not always to be predicted in advance, as it may surprise you to learn which guests decide to have too many mojitos. The best thing to do is to have a plan with the event coordinator at your reception venue. Let them know that you expect the bartenders to cut off any guests who are clearly intoxicated (which the venue will actually want to do anyway for liability reasons). Some places like to set up a contact person ahead of time that they can go to in case they see a guest needs to be asked to leave early. The father of the bride or groom is usually the one who comes in person in case of problems.

Certainly don’t be afraid to discuss with the venue coordinator how best to handle that guy or friend who routinely makes a fool of himself at parties with alcohol. They want your reception to be a success almost as much as you do, and they’ll have the experience to help make your party great. With a bit of luck and planning, you won’t have war stories to discuss over your post-wedding brunch over horrible guests!

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