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TEN Actions of the Seraphim Angels

The angels have trained me to be a “go to” player when they want to co-create something. They capture my attention, I listen and we start the co-creative process. It is a joy and a privilege to be in that flow of loving energy and inspiration.

Sometimes the angels call me to action and other times I have questions for them. I am always amazed at what I get when I ask the angels questions.

I don’t remember the question I asked, but wow, the answer blew my mind! The TEN Actions of the Seraphim are brilliant guides.

The Seraphim are the Vibration of Manifested Love

Let’s start with the Seraphim so you understand how powerful these TEN Actions are. That implies going back a few steps in human history.

Angels have been present with us since the beginning of recorded time. In early angelology, seraphim are the highest order of angel servants of God. They encircle the Throne of Glory and incessantly chant “Holy, holy, holy…” The Seraphim assist the Almighty in emanating the Song of Creation and celebration through the primal vibration of love.

“Seraph” comes from the Hebrew word meaning love. A creative and resonant field of life is emerging through the devotion that forms the music of the spheres. The Seraphim are in direct communion with God. They are beings of pure light and thought that resonate with the fire of love.

Do you feel called home to divine love?

For the first time in human history, we have evolved enough that the Seraphim can have a direct interaction to guide us. The deepest longing of our soul is coming to the surface of our consciousness calling us to union with each other, with God and Home.

If you feel this calling, you may be of the lineage of the Seraphim. The Seraphim represent the Supreme Authority to create in the material realm. As Seraph, you command the Supreme Authority to believe. You are called to bless, heal, love, reveal, comfort, transform, forgive, manifest, unite, and just about everything you can imagine. To be useful, you must understand why you are important and what you will do to serve.

Looking back, I can see that the Seraphim were the guiding force behind most of the work I’ve done, even though I didn’t know it at the time. Once announced, they became my active guides in the co-creative process of manifestation on earth. I find myself in the embrace of divine love, union and everything my soul longs for.

Many of us are more deeply connected to Seraphim than we could ever imagine. If the TEN Actions of the Seraphim came into your hands, you have been called by the Seraphim. Try an experiment.

Meditate daily on these actions for a week. Put them into practice in your life, and watch miracles fly!

TEN Actions of the Seraphim

1. Love God and put God first. When you love God, you are connecting directly with the Source of Divine Love.

2. Love yourself as God loves you. Care for yourself with loving devotion, as your Beloved would care for you, so that you are healthy, balanced and centered in your true Self.

3. Love others as you love yourself. Respect those who are different from you by listening to their perspective with an open heart. You will be known by how you love others. Associate with others who are lifting your spirits.

4. Be in the truth. Strive for awareness. You are a powerful creator. Take responsibility for your creations so that you can consciously create from love.

5. Be thankful for everything. Use every feeling, thought, and experience in life as an opportunity to heal and become more present in your true Self.

6. Be at peace. Daily through prayer, meditation, and contemplation, use the energy of your desire, confusion, pain, and fear to move into a state of deep connection and deep peace.

7. Be open and receptive. Listen to the guide daily. In a state of humility, truth and peace, and in connection with the Divine, open yourself to receive the guidance, resources, miracles and gifts that the Spirit wants to pour out on you.

8. Take action. When you receive clear guidance, take action as soon as possible so that you are co-creating with Spirit.

9. Give as you receive. Being in the flow of the Spirit. Open yourself to receive miracles, resources, love and then freely share what you receive.

10. Being in devotional service. Discover why you are important in each moment and how you will serve from a pure heart and without expectations so that you can be a Guardian Angel. You are needed to bless, heal, love, counsel, comfort, nurture, title, and co-create.

As you read the TEN Actions, do they resonate with your heart and soul? Keep a journal of what happens to you as you review the TEN Actions of the Seraphim daily. Watch for miracles in your life and write about them. With a grateful heart, you will know that you are guided by angels!

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