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Symbolism and legends of the apple

Apple blossoms are ideal symbols of love, youth, beauty, and happiness. The apple blossom is the state flower of Arkansas, which was once one of the top apple-producing states in the United States. The flowers of the apple are pink and white with medium green leaves.

The flowers of apples are pink, a modified red. In terms of color symbolism, the color red encourages action, movement, courage, and passion. Pink is a more sophisticated color that is often more attractive to adults than pure red. Pink is also gentler and more appropriate for curing. Pink can be used to relieve depression. As the color of warmth and love, pink offers comfort while encouraging movement and outward orientation.

The symbology of apple blossoms extends to floral paintings. All floral paintings are primarily a representation of the wood element. The wood element is a stimulus for new projects and adventures. The energy of the flowers that bloom in spring and summer encourages us to face new challenges and renews our strength.

The secondary energy of apple blossoms is the fire energy associated with the color pink. Fire connotes warmth, passion, and relationships. Fire creates enthusiasm. Images with a strong fire element are appropriate to support romance and idealistic endeavors.

The apple has a venerable history. There are more than 1,000 varieties of apples grown in the United States, all of which are descended from the wild apple. The apple tree is native to Europe and has adapted well to the North American continent. The apple tree is the symbol of the state of Washington, known for its prolific apple orchards. Apple trees bloom from April to June.

The apple has long been associated with immortality, as evidenced by its role in the temptation of Adam in the Garden of Eden. The mystical Island of Avalon, famous eternal resting place for Celtic heroes, including King Arthur, is literally “the land of apples” or “the island of apples”. In Scandinavian myths, the gods and goddesses of northern Europe were fed an apple every night by Iduna, the goddess of spring and youth who cultivates an apple orchard in Asgard.

When it comes to modern myths and legends, Johnny Appleseed is the most prominent American legend associated with apples. Born John Chapman in 1774, he lived for about 12 years near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In his early twenties, Johnny began his journey west with the goal of providing apple trees and saplings for settlers.

There was a law at the time that required settlers to plant 50 apple trees in their first year on newly acquired land. This law was aimed at preventing starvation among the settlers. Although Johnny roamed everywhere planting trees, he also owned and rented considerable areas of land for his apple orchards.

Johnny was a devout Christian who was influenced by the ideas of Emmanuel Swedenborg. Swedenborg valued love and joy above all other virtues. Compared to many of the repressive philosophies then in vogue, his approach to spiritual life was basically a breath of fresh air for the settlers with whom Johnny shared his religious tracts and biblical interpretations.

Johnny Appleseed spent nearly 50 years traversing the desert planting apple trees and tending his own orchards. Johnny dreamed of a landscape beautified by apple blossoms and a country where no one would go hungry. It is said that Johnny believed that apples are among “the finest things in the world.”

Today, the American apple industry is worth trillions of dollars. And thanks to Johnny Appleseed, nothing is more American than apple pie!

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