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Surprising Health Benefits of Quilting

You know quilting makes you feel good, but now there’s scientific evidence to back up what you’ve always suspected: Not only does quilting make you happy, it’s actually good for your health. Researchers from the University of Glasgow published their findings in the peer-reviewed journal Journal of Public Health after conducting qualitative research using a local mulching group as a source. Did the ending work? “The padding seemed to possess some distinct wellness-enhancing properties that would not be replicable through physical/outdoor activity.” In other words, that’s dry research jargon to say that padding gives you a workout you won’t find in your local step class.

The biggest benefit? When you’re happy and doing something you love, your brain becomes saturated with dopamine and serotonin, also known as happy chemicals, especially when you’re doing “meaningful work” with your hands. According to Kelly Lambert, PhD, and a member of Randolph-Macon College’s neuroscience department, padding perfectly complements these conditions.

get healthy Y an awesome quilt

Next on the list of health benefits is a decrease in stress levels. Dr. Lambert says quilts “feel a sense of accomplishment that increases their ‘reward chemicals’ and decreases chemicals related to stress or anxiety.” Of course, lower stress levels are linked to a variety of good things, from a lower risk of heart attack and stroke to lower body fat. In a time where stress levels are skyrocketing for most people, who wouldn’t benefit from a little mindfulness cultivation?

If you’re more into quantitative testing, a clinical psychologist published research in the Journal of the American Medical Association showing evidence that padding leads to decreased blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration. Finally, according to Harvard neurologist Marie Pasinski, MD, padding is calming for the brain. Research from Glasgow echoes these sentiments, with participants saying that quilting was a (relatively) easy way to embrace creativity, and the use of different colors and textures gave them a “feeling of well-being”.

straight from the source

The Glasgow participants specifically mentioned, time and time again, bright colors and how they lifted their mood, especially during those bleak British winters. Most of the group also said that there was something captivating about the padding and that they went into a flow, much like a runner’s euphoria. It’s relaxing and, at least for a while, your anxieties took a backseat. However, quilting also requires problem-solving skills, such as when new patterns and shapes are required. From novices to quilt masters, they all said that at some point they always find a new challenge.

Ultimately, getting that tangible end result is a built-in reward that offers a lot of satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. During the social aspect of quilting as a group, the women said they felt inspired and that all those compliments don’t hurt when it comes to boosting their self-esteem. Quilting is “exceptionally good for you,” the researchers concluded, a sentiment that’s obvious to quilters, but it’s pretty rushed to get a nod from academia (sort of like nailing that block pattern on your first try).

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