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Six weeks to a sexy stomach

Start your fitness program with an abs routine that is guaranteed to work!

Many women come to the gym and ask about the “workout secrets for success.” The big “secret” is that dedication to a goal and personal sacrifice are the only ways to improve in the battle to build a better body.

With another new year approaching, comes the challenge of getting rid of the fat accumulated during the holiday season. This is when the self-sacrifice part of getting in shape comes into play to turn your fantasies of a slim, hard and sexy stomach into reality.

The truth is, you won’t be able to see your abdominal muscles unless you clean up your diet and do enough cardio to burn off the layers of fat. I’m going to show you how to get rid of the shakes in six weeks. If you follow this program to the letter for 12 weeks, you’ll reap the rewards of a six-pack that will turn heads in and out of the gym.

Start the makeover by removing bread and pasta from your daily eating plan. Within a week, you will notice a significant difference. Baked potatoes and brown rice are fine for the first two to three weeks, then limit carbs to a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and two to three servings of green vegetables or fresh fruit with your four to five small meals per day. . Increase protein intake to make up for calories lost with reduced carbs, but favor leaner options like protein shakes, chicken, and fish.

Follow this diet for as long as you are following my abs circuit. Not all the crunches in the world will help you if you have a layer of fat covering your stomach. That is nothing more than common sense.

Shoot for 40 to 60 minutes per session, every other day. Never train more than 60 minutes in any given cardio workout, as this leads to overtraining and fatigue. Depending on weather conditions, alternate outdoor cardio (running, hiking, and blading) with machine cardio, such as the treadmill, stationary bike, and stair climber, at the gym. If you live in a cold climate, alternate indoor cardio options to keep things cool and fun. Switching up your training is healthy for your body and mind – the idea is to do as much as possible to reduce the risk of burning out on this program before it’s done its magic.

No one wants to spend more time on abs than is absolutely necessary. On the other hand, everyone wants to have amazing abs to show off by wearing skinny pants that are cut very low to reveal as much stomach as possible.

I’ve designed a circuit, a circuit of crunches (upper abs), twisting crunches (upper abs and obliques), and lying leg raises (lower abs) to target the abs from all angles and get the chop work done. Quickly and efficiently.

Let’s get one thing straight from the start: You should be performing exercises that develop the rectus abdominis, the long muscle that originates from the pubis and inserts into the cartilage of the fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs. Crunches hit the upper half of the rectum, and leg raises hit the lower half. Twisting abdominals target both the superior rectus and external obliques, the muscles on each side of the torso attached to the lower two-thirds of the ribcage and attached to the side of the pelvis.

The plan is to start with a full ab circuit of three exercises for 15 to 20 repetitions per movement, with little to no rest between exercises. As you progress through the six week training cycle, feel free to add a few repetitions to each set. After two weeks of familiarizing yourself with the program and the nuances of the exercises, try doing the circuit a second time (I mean twice). After four weeks, you should be ready to take three trips around the three-part circuit (three times). Precisely how you tweak the program is a personal matter and will vary depending on your fitness level.


working out






Twisting Crunches*



Lying leg raises*



Seated Leg Curls+






* Perform as a circuit without rest between sets.

+ Add as a finishing move once body fat has been reduced to reveal abs.

Is that how it works:
Do one set of sit-ups for the desired number of repetitions, exhaling during the contraction as you go to squeeze more. Then, without resting, do a set of twisting crunches: While lifting your ribcage toward your pubes, rotate your torso so that your right elbow is directed toward your left knee, then lower and repeat on the other side (left elbow crosses toward your left knee). right knee). Here’s a variation of the lying leg raise, which involves more hip flexion than typical leg raises and can be done in two ways: In the advanced version, lift your legs into the air and don’t let your butt touch floor ; in the more moderate version, don’t push your butt up, but pull your knees in close to your chest. Either way you do them, aim for a total burn for the last 10 reps to exhaust your lower abs.

At this stage of training, you will be very tired. At this point add two exercises. To tone, perform seated leg curls for the lower abs (bring your knees to your chest as you contract your rectus abdominis) and twist with a bar for your obliques – deliberately rotate your upper body and shoulders as far as possible in one direction , hold and squeeze, then roll as far back as possible in the other direction.

These last two exercises are trimming tricks to tighten your lower abs (seated leg curls) and obliques (twists) once your body fat is low enough to reveal those sexy looking muscles that have been hiding under layers. of fat for so long. One or two sets of 10 to 20 repetitions per exercise at the end of the workout are more than enough to brighten the cake.

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