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Reasons Even Healthy People Should Have Routine Blood Tests

People these days are becoming more and more health conscious. From personalized services offered by physicians to nutrition tracking apps, your good health is now in your own hands. However, blood tests are an entirely different ball game.

Blood tests have often been associated with a reactive approach. It is only when you notice symptoms that you go for a test. However, have you ever realized that with routine blood tests there are so many illnesses or infections that you can correct early on or even avoid?

These are some of the reasons why you should consider having regular blood tests, even if you are healthy.

– Why wait for symptoms to appear?

Isn’t it better to know as soon as possible if a disease is brewing in your system? Most chronic risks can be detected by blood tests, so why wait for things to go terribly wrong? Think of all the pain and discomfort you can avoid by being proactive about it. Most types of blood tests will tell you what your usual lifestyle is like, such as eating habits, exercise, diet, etc. it is impacting their well-being. By knowing what’s wrong, you can take corrective action while you can.

– Do not evaluate your health by how you feel

When the question is about health, the answer must be absolute. Never trust how you look and feel when it comes to assessing your fitness or general well-being. You need to know exactly how your body is inside. Believe it or not, up to 40% of people who are not obese have cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

– Take the guesswork out

If you’ve noticed excessive weight gain, don’t blame it simply for reckless eating. Something more sinister may be at play within your body. You may experience high cortisol levels associated with weight gain, and cortisol levels are a sign of stress. You may be tackling a completely different problem by not knowing exactly what is wrong. Without a blood test, you will be correcting the wrong mistakes, putting yourself at risk regardless of your efforts.

Routine blood tests allow you to detect not only infections and diseases, but also deficiencies. If your body is lacking in vitamins and minerals, it can affect the healthy functioning of your body. When certain amounts of minerals and vitamins are lower than required, they can cause problems such as headache, muscle cramps, insomnia, fatigue, constipation, etc. Many of these problems can be completely avoided by knowing what is wrong. Which micronutrients are deficient in your body will help you change your diet accordingly.

– One size does not fit all

We are all made up of different biochemicals. You and your brother cannot follow the same nutrition guidelines. Since our bodies are different, our approach to our health must also be specific to our body’s needs. A blood test determines how you should modify your lifestyle to better meet the needs of your body.

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