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Pycnogenol Saved My Life: A Pycnogenol Review

It’s hard to believe that with all the health benefits pycnogenol provides, only 1 in 7 people in the medical profession know about it. The pycnogenol I use is the official pycnogenol product provided by the Horphag company in combination with a plant delivery system. Although the Horphag company claims that pycnogenol also works without the delivery system, I know this is not true from personal experience. That statement is not to say that pycnogenol alone doesn’t work, because it really does. You just have to use a larger amount.

Pycnogenol is an extract from the bark of the maritime pine, which is the common tree used for wood in France. If you are “allergic” to pine, you cannot use the product. It is the most powerful antioxidant found in the plant world.

The product I use contains 20 milligrams per tablet and the ideal use is one milligram per pound of body weight. You can use a larger amount if you want without causing harm and if you have a serious illness it could be of great benefit. A word of caution though, your body has been going downhill for a long time, and unless you’re already using a good nutritional supplementation program, you’re likely to go through a “ healing ” crisis if you start using this powerful antioxidant at the same time. recommended level. . For that reason, I recommend that the average person start slowly and build up to the recommended amount.

The healing crisis can be quite painful and could make you think that the pycnogenol is harming you. What is really happening is that this powerful antioxidant is cleansing your body of toxins. It may take a couple of days or a couple of weeks to completely clean your system. If you continue with the recommended use for a minimum of 3 months, you will definitely see an improvement. Some people get immediate relief, but most people will not notice significant improvement for a while. For that reason, you should keep a complete journal.

In this short synopsis, I will only tell you one true personal story, but in later articles I will tell many more. When I was 58, my life fell apart and I am completely convinced that I would have died if a friend had not introduced me to pycnogenol. The arthritis was quickly immobilizing me. My right shoulder was almost frozen from pain, my lower back was in constant severe pain, a knuckle on my right index finger was riddled with arthritis and I couldn’t bend it. Also, I had developed infections all over my body. The medications would clear an infection, but it would return in about a week.

I started pycnogenol at the recommended full use without experiencing the disconcerting cleaning effect. He was in so much pain that he would not have realized it. In a month, my infections disappeared. In 3 months I was pain free as I am still 73 years old today.

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