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Proform Ab Glider Platinum Review – Pros and Cons

Looking for something that can help you sculpt and tone your abs?

Well, the Proform Ab Glider Platinum was designed to do just that. The machine works your middle, upper, lower, and oblique abs. You are not only exercising your abs, you are also exercising your arms.

If you search for abdominal exercise machines online, you will surely see that the Proform Ab Glider Platinum is a great competitor in the market.


The machine is easy to assemble and can start working minutes after receiving the product.

The Proform Ab Glider Platinum gives you the option to add weights and increase the angle of the slider. This gives you the ability to customize your workouts.

At first you will notice that your arms are working harder than your abs and that just means that your arms are not very strong and by using the machine your arms will get much stronger and your abs too.

Don’t get me wrong, you will feel like your abs are working hard, but if your arms aren’t very strong you will notice that your abs are working really hard too.

The Platinum is very well built with a comfortable seat and a sleek design. The machine also stays in place even when used on carpets. The Platinum does not take up much space and can easily fit in a small room that you would find in an apartment.

The Proform Ab Glider comes with three training DVDs that show you how to get different results with the machine. For example, one DVD shows you how to tone your abs, the second DVD shows you how to tone your arms, and the last DVD shows you how to get an amazing Ab Glider workout in 3 minutes.


However, there is a problem with the design. The digital counter mounts on top of the slider, but it is made of plastic and is held in place with the help of a few small screws. When using your platinum, make sure you don’t press too hard on the digital counter or play with it or it will break off its holder.

Also be careful when assembling and disassembling the Proform Ab Glider Platinum not to touch the digital counter unit for the same reasons. Try to hold the handles while assembling and disassembling to avoid touching the digital counter unit.

On the positive side, the digital meter is feature rich and easy to use and read.

The Proform Ab Glider is ideal for those who want to exercise their abs with an effective machine without having to go to a gym every day. You will have the ability to exercise your abs and arms. The Ab Glider is affordable too.

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