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Percolators – Some of the basic problems with percolator coffee

The word “percolator” has come to mean that special pot that used to sit on Grandma’s stove and bubble like crazy all morning. They usually consist of a heat-proof pot that holds the water, a long tube (like a straw) that holds a filter basket on top. This filter is usually made of metal and keeps the coffee beans separate from the water in the main pot. Typically, fairly coarsely ground coffee is used, and a perforated lid is placed over the filter to distribute the water evenly over the grounds.

As the water in the pot comes to a boil, it is forced up the tube and repeatedly spills onto the ground in the filter basket. In this way, both the water and the freshly brewed coffee fall back into the hot water and onto the floor. Gradually the coffee becomes stronger as the water/coffee continues to drip onto the ground. This process continues as long as the pot is kept at boiling point.

Although we have special memories of coffee pots, they are not a particularly good way to make a great cup of coffee. In fact, many people classify pot coffee right next to coffee boiled directly in the water. When brewed in a percolator, a number of things happen that produce a less than perfect cup of coffee.

For starters, the water is superheated. Boiling water simply draws out too many unwanted bitter flavors in the coffee and should be avoided if possible (which is not possible with a percolator). Also, coffee grounds are over-extracted by repeatedly passing the brewed coffee over the grounds. Finally, the boiling/percolating action of the liquid tends to release many of the desirable flavors and compounds into the air. While this produces a wonderful aroma of freshly brewed coffee at home, it can often lead to flat-tasting coffee.

In the end, it’s often best to avoid coffee pots if possible. There are other affordable ways to make great coffee, even if it may mean turning your back on wonderful aromatic memories.

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