Auto admin 

The Five Visual Habits of Safe Driving

Safety is everyone’s concern, especially when traveling from one place to another. With all the nut cases on the road today, one needs to arm oneself with every possible tool to ensure a safe arrival at the desired destination. Having been involved in the trucking industry my entire life and driven close to 4 million […]

Relationship admin 

7 birthday gift ideas for a girlfriend

Getting a birthday present for your girlfriend is probably one of the most difficult tasks in your life. Girls are very difficult to please and therefore it can be a torturous task to search for that perfect birthday present for her. But this search becomes quite easy if you know almost everything about your girl. […]

Business admin 

Ancient Taoist Funeral Customs

Taoist Funeral Customs When you consider that a traditional Taoist Funeral has very few rules that have been set, it’s easy to see how much detail is put into a funeral service. The Taoists put great importance into the various rituals performed during a funeral. Their beliefs about death are contradictory at best, and at […]

Health Fitness admin 

Brain cancer cases on the rise worldwide

Most people don’t know much about brain cancer, although I’m sure everyone will admit that they want nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, brain cancers are on the rise around the world and there are many reasons for this. It is a very serious problem and challenge for the future of humanity, not only for […]

Pets admin 

How to care for Betta fish

Betta fish or Siamese fighting fish are very popular pets. Not only are they the beautiful ones with their long tails, but they also have great personalities. Bettas are often referred to as “scaly cats and dogs” under water. Although they have a great personality, they tend to be aggressive towards other bettas (male and […]

Technology admin 

Get your phone number: digits and attraction

There is a lot of information on how to get a girl’s number. It’s a great topic and each guru has their own method of getting numbers smoothly. It’s kind of funny that people get so excited about something so simple, however, it is a very important step in moving from first meeting to date […]

Business admin 

Tips on how to sell stock photos

Stock photography sites have made it easy for photographers to sell their photos online. However, just because you take photos does not mean that a stock photo site, like Istockphoto, for example, will accept them in their market. In order to sell your photos on a stock photography website, the website must believe that your […]