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Overturning the table: paranormal trick or treat?

Well, if the freak skeptics are to be believed, these are the attributes required of models to produce the desired results when attempting this favorite Victorian pastime.

Table tilt or table tilt could be described as one of the most perplexing phenomena of our time! With the rise of modern spiritualism in the mid-1850s reaching England and Europe from the Americas, more and more people interested in the paranormal turned to spiritualist mediums and psychics in search of getting in touch with the “other side”. This fashionable diversion was practiced throughout the country and for those who believed that it satisfied that basic human nature: the need for answers.

The basic principle of table tilt is that attendees stand around a small (often 3-legged) table and place their hands flat on the surface with a very light touch. The session would be led by a medium who would begin to call the spirits, asking for recognition of their presence through knocking and movement on the table. Questions would be asked and the table would tilt in response to the letters of the alphabet being spoken and this method of spirit communication became a competition between mediums to provide the most dramatic show. In 1924, Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle (author of Sherlock Holmes) visited the famous medium Albert Macey and witnessed a table so incredible that he leaned down and fully affirmed his belief in the spirit world. However, Macey was later revealed to be a fraud and was one of the few ‘mediums’ to be jailed for forgery.

British illusionist Derren Brown portrayed the table tilt as a simple sleight of hand trick in his “Evening of Wonders” show and attributed the phenomenon to the ideomotor effect, an involuntary muscular action in which the participant’s subconscious mind can influence their bodies. without the conscious mind noticing. ; Parapsychologists and skeptics also attribute this to glass movement, automatic writing, and the Ouija board. It seems that the desire to believe can completely override the conscious mind. Is belief really stronger than willpower?

What I personally find difficult to accept with this theory is that on a public ghost hunt, we often come across guests who are completely skeptical, for whom only a full-blown apparition or personal demonic possession with projectile vomit and a head-turn of 360° will suffice as proof of the paranormal. In his show, Derren used pendulums to test his participants for hypnotic suggestibility, certain that they would then easily succumb to the “trick.” I don’t doubt that the combined energy created by a group of people with a single purpose can produce an amazing result, but expect the same result from a group of strangers (some of whom don’t believe in the paranormal and are absolutely convinced it won’t budge). ) would surely produce a less desirable result. I’ve personally seen tables that lift, turn, and spin on one leg with more than one skeptical mind involved, where attendees find themselves chasing around a room, trying to keep up with the object. If the claim that ‘belief is stronger than willpower’ is a valid argument in support of the ideomotor effect, then surely this is a contradiction, since any skeptical mind surely ‘believes’ that the object will not move.

Whatever your thoughts on this subject, there’s no denying that it’s a visually spectacular part of any Ghostbusters quest and will likely baffle the minds of skeptics and believers alike for many centuries to come.

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