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Older people with power can get what they want

Hey, why not? After all, everyone else does. Well, at least it seems that way, right?

I mean having enough “juice” to get some of the good things in life.

I don’t think any red-blooded man or woman blames me for that. In most social circles, this is known as “that person enjoys life.” “He or she knows how to live.”

They seem to have more power. Yes, I’m talking about simple old-fashioned strength to “make good things happen.”

So the big question is… how do you get that kind of power? Believe it or not, the answer is simple and right under your nose. No, I’m not kidding.

The simple answer is that you need to honor your weaknesses, or more accurately, pay attention to your “humanity.” I am referring to recognizing your attributes that make you a genuine human being. Not the public adult “front” that people put on. I mean the real you. The whole person.

Stop worrying about always appearing to be in control and strong. Why? First of all, by obsessing over this stereotype of a “strong” person, you’re actually kicking your butt. How is that? You are being inauthentic. You’re not being the Real McCoy.

Nature and the Universe favors and recognizes truthful and authentic people. For the men and women of the 21st century, this can present a challenge. The media and advertising constantly encourage us to appear big, bad, and strong. But hey, real life doesn’t work that way. “Real Life” offers good things to genuine and authentic people.

When you honor and acknowledge your fears, pains, and emotions, you automatically become a stronger person. That’s ironic isn’t it? But it is true. It’s okay to admit you’re not Superman. Nobody else is either. People who refuse to honor their “humanity” are often the ones who suffer the most in life. Taken to the extreme, they are the ones who end up in the asylum or in jail.

Take Bret Favre as an example. This man has just announced his retirement from professional football. Without a doubt, this legend is one of the best soccer players to ever exist. He has set incredible records while playing for the Green Bay Packers.

I saw your retirement announcement on TV today. Do you know what impressed me most about this Legend? It was his genuine humility and humanity. She looked directly at the television cameras and announced his withdrawal with tears streaming down his face. He was crying like a newborn baby. All of his humanity was screaming. He talked about his past hopes, dreams, accomplishments and, most importantly, the friendships and relationships he made while playing football.

Brett Favre, the super hero of professional soccer. This man has all the juice and power of just about anyone in the world. He owns the flavor. Despite this, he is one of the most down to earth people you would like to meet.

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