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Northrend Flight Paths

Wrath of the Lich King in World of Warcraft will present players with many different flight points. This is one of the most popular topics when Blizzard Entertainment releases a new expansion. In this helpful and informative guide, you will be introduced to the various flight points that will be available to players who will be engaging in activities in this cold, frozen wasteland north of all other WoW lands.

boreal tundra

When you visit the Borean Tundra, you’ll have three separate flyover points to choose from. This is a relatively large area found in the southwestern region of Northrend. If you are in the level range of sixty-eight to seventy-two, and you are an Alliance character, you can get a flight path in an area called “Valiance Keep”, “Fizzcrank Airstrip”. If you are a Horde character, you can get a flight path at “Warsong Hold”, Bor’gorok Outpost, Taunka’le Village”. If you wish to visit an area that is considered “Neutral”, your flight path will be located at “Amber Ledge”, “Transitus Shield” and “Unu’pe”.


If you’re going to be in the area of ​​Wintergrasp, where level seventy-seven to level eighty characters play, you’ll be pleased to know that there is a flight path available for each Alliance and Horde faction. If you are a Horde character, you can visit the flight master at “Warsong Camp”. If you are an Alliance character, you can find your flight master at “Valiance Landing Camp”.

Dragon’s cementery

If you are level seventy-one to seventy-four, you may find yourself in the Dragonblight participating in the Raid of Naxxramas, or the Chamber of Aspects. On the other hand, you may be there fighting in the Dungeons of Ahn’kahet or Azjol-Nerub. Whatever the case, it will be important to know and understand where the fly points are in this area. If you’re looking for a “neutral” area, you can take a flight at “Dragon’s Rest Temple” or “Moa’ki Harbor”. If your faction is Alliance, then you can get your flight point at one of three locations: “Wintergarde Keep”, “Fordragon Hold” or “Stars’ Rest”. If your faction is the Horde, you can choose from one of the following three: “Venomspite”, “Agmar’s Hammer”, or “Kor’kron Vanguard”.

gray hills

If you’re level seventy-three to seventy-five and interested in having a little fun in the dungeon called “Drak’Tharon’s Fortress,” you’ll find that there are two flight areas available for each faction. In the Horde, you can choose between “Camp Oneqwah” or “Conquest Hold”. If you play with the Alliance faction, your flight points are “Westfall Brigade Camp” or “Amber Pine Haven”.

Howling Fjord

Levels sixty-eight through seventy-two can be found in the Howling Fjord area for some fun and entertainment. Here, you can hang out and have some action in the “Utgarde Keep” and “Utgarde Pinnacle” dungeons. There are four different flight paths available to the Horde faction, and these are: “Vengeance Landing”, “Camp Winterhoof”, “Camp Apothecary”, and “New Agamand”. If you are an Alliance character, you can find flight paths in “Valgarde”, “Westguard Keep”, and “Fort Wildervar”. “Neutral” also has a flight area and is called “Kamagua”.

crystal song

If you’re visiting Crystalsong, which is an appropriate area for levels seventy-four through seventy-six, there’s one flight path for each faction and one for “Neutral.” The “Neutral” path is “Dalaran”. The Alliance is “Windrunner’s Watch”, and the Horde is “Sunreaver’s Command”.


This is a relatively neutral area in Northrend that will be available to people who play Wrath of the Lich King. Levels seventy-four through seventy-seven will frequent this area. The most common activity in this area will be the “Gundrak” dungeon. There are only five flight points and they are all considered “Neutral”. These include:

or “Ebony Clock”

or “Gundrak”

or “The Gap of Light”

or “Zim’Torga”

or “The Silver Stand”

Sholazar Basin

In western Northrend, you may come across Sholazar Basin, which is appropriate for characters level seventy-five to seventy-eight. This is also a “neutral” area and the flight points are:

or “Heart of the River”

or “Nesingwary Base Camp”

ice crown

If you’re level seventy-seven or eighty, you can visit Icecrown. If you are interested in earning flight points, these are considered “Neutral” and are as follows:

or “The Rise of Death”

or “The Argent Vanguard”

or “The Vault of Shadows”

or “Crusader Pinnacle”

stormy peaks

Now, if you are level seventy-six to eighty, you can walk to the “Halls of Lightning” or “Halls of Stone” dungeons in the Storm Peaks area. The flight points for this particular area for the Alliance are “Frosthold” and “Brann’s Base-Camp”. For the Horde, you will be able to get flights at “Camp Tunka’lo” and “Grom’arsh Crash-Site”. If you are looking for “neutral” flyover points, you will need to visit one of the following: “K3”, “Ulduar”, or “Bouldercrag Shelter”.

It is important to take note of these flight points in Northrend as part of Wrath of the Lich King in World of Warcraft so that you can maneuver from one area to another with ease.

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