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New York Bicycle Accident Guide

Bicycle Accident Guide

Many cyclists in the city of New York are unaware of their rights when it comes to claiming compensation following a bicycle accident. However, this guide was created by a New York personal injury attorney to assist bicycle accident victims with the legal process. Listed below are a few tips that could help you make the most of your claim. Read them and learn more about the importance of gathering evidence to support your claim. Then, contact a bicycle accident attorney in New York to begin the process of filing a lawsuit.

NYC E-Bike Injury Attorney

The first step in pursuing compensation after a bicycle accident in New York State is determining who was at fault. The driver is usually at fault in a bicycle accident, but the bicyclist can be at fault as well. It is crucial to conduct an extensive investigation to determine who was at fault. In New York, it is common for a bicycle accident victim to be more seriously injured. To ensure that the driver is not at fault, you must obtain a detailed accident report.

New York Bicycle Accident Guide

Regardless of who was at fault, if you or someone else is injured in a bicycle accident, you should obtain medical attention and contact 911. Make sure to collect the driver’s license number, as this can help the authorities find them if they ever return. Identify the insurance policy of the other driver, and collect contact information from any witnesses or parties involved. This will help the police and your attorney determine who will pay for your medical bills.

As far as bicycle accident prevention goes, the City of New York has laws in place to protect cyclists. Bicyclists are allowed to ride in the middle of the travel lane, but not when they are in an unsafe position. Bicycle lanes are available in New York City and are also marked and protected for bicyclists. Bicycle accident victims can expect to ride safely, as long as they obey traffic laws.

If you have any type of injury and want to claim compensation for it, you should talk to your bicycle accident attorney immediately. An insurance adjuster may be trying to get you to give a recorded statement that could help your case. While it may seem easier to deal with the insurance company, this may not provide you with the maximum compensation for your recovery. If the expenses for your medical care are high and the insurance company is refusing to cover them, you may want to consider a personal injury lawsuit in civil court.

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