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My girlfriend says she wants space – what should I do?

So you thought things were going great… and then it comes out of the blue: “I think I need some space…”

Wow, what should you do? Do you gracefully step back and give him some time alone? Should you be patient, kind, sweet…allow your girlfriend whatever “space” she needs for your relationship to heal? you should to be there for her on the other end of the phone when she wants to talk, but without insisting on the subject so as not to disturb her?

By staying in sight but leaving her to her thoughts, your girlfriend will surely realize that she loves you. She shortly after she will come running back… right?

Not even close.

Every time your girlfriend asks you for some alone time, what she’s really doing is contemplating your breakup. She will ask you for some space, but she still wants you around for when she needs you. Maybe she’ll call you, she’ll email you, or she’ll send you the occasional text… but she wants all of this communication to be one-sided while she goes out and does what she wants. Try to call her and you will immediately provoke her wrath. She will be annoyed with you for pressuring her during this very “confusing” time, when all you’re really trying to do is figure out what’s going on.

Do you want the brutal, forceful and direct truth? Your girlfriend says that she wants space because she is about to break up with you. She’s weighing her options and looking to see if there isn’t something better out there that she can sink her teeth into. The moment she finds it, she’ll shrug it off and tell you that her relationship just fell apart. What if she can’t find it? She will continue to pursue you as long as she is comfortable, knowing all the while that you are still clinging to the idea of ​​being with her. You become nothing more than Plan B.

Guess what? You deserve more than that. And if you want your girlfriend back, you can’t accept that situation as it is. Sitting quietly while your girlfriend plays in the field is NOT the way to get her back into your arms. Being patient and giving her time to “work things out” is not going to fix the situation. No, the only way to repair your relationship is to make your girlfriend want you back. And you don’t do this by sitting passively and sweetly (and enthusiastically) answering the phone when she calls… you do it by taking some initiative and not answering your phone at all.

“My girlfriend says she wants some space…” Good. Give it to her. Give her as much space that she can launch satellites. Get rid of your cell phone, turn off your computer, and get out of sight as quickly as possible. Go out with friends and do things so you don’t think about her. When he calls, let him go to voicemail. You’ll be tempted to call him back, but don’t bother. Wait a few days, until your girlfriend is absolutely shocked that you haven’t contacted her again. Wait until she’s worried that she might have pushed you too far… that she might have gotten a little more than she bargained for. Then she picks up the phone, tell her “the break” just isn’t working for you, and wish her luck.

You see, when your girlfriend puts your relationship on hold instead of breaking up with you, it’s because she’s not ready to lose you yet. Once she finds something or someone better? It’s easy to let go. But losing them all at once, like in a real breakup, is a little more than she wants. That’s why she’d like to keep you waiting…her while she decides if the grass is greener elsewhere.

By stepping completely out of their world, you are creating an environment of complete uncertainty. Now she really is alone. Now she has to deal with the fact that you might not come back. Once your girlfriend starts facing a world without you, she starts Really thinking about your relationship. She starts to miss you very quickly, and the fact that she doesn’t talk back to her will worry her more than ever. It will speed up the process of her wanting you back, while “being patient” and acting like you agree with her decision will actually prolong the breakup.

Best of all, there are ways to speed up your meeting. Getting your girlfriend back involves nothing more than a step-by-step plan for success. There are methods and techniques you can use to make your ex want you back and make her need you right away in her life.

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